10 Uses of hydrogen peroxide


Hydrogen peroxide at some time we have all used it or we have suffered it, we have fallen and it has cured us with it, how it stings, how it makes white foam and sizzles!, But it cured those scratches (for us huge), with a kiss big (the sweetest of all) and thehealthy, healthy, frog bottom … !, knee, elbow, chin, etc. with a little bit of mercromine, all red! (since it was rare for the child that in the summer did not wear some part of his anatomy of this color) and to continue playing.
But hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 hydrogen peroxide) although it is not lacking in any house in our home medicine cabinet, we can also use it in many other ways such as personal hygiene, cleaning, bleach for clothes, etc., it is not polluting and has an economical price.
If you want to know some of its surprising uses, you cannot miss this post.


Cleaning porous floors:
We will mix the hydrogen peroxide with hot water and in this way we will clean and whiten the porous floors. In almost all large surfaces there are ready-to-use powdered compounds.

For food :
If we want to kill the bacteria and neutralize the pesticides that have been used in the cultivation of vegetables and vegetables , we will soak them for a long time in the sink with a jet of hydrogen peroxide .
But if, on the contrary, what we want is to disinfect the fruits or vegetables and we do not have time, we will make a solution by diluting the 3% hydrogen peroxide in water, after leaving them in this way for 2 minutes, we will wash and dry them with a kitchen paper.
For sanitize meat, poultry, or fish, we will use it diluted to 3%, we will put the meat, fish or chicken in a saucepan or other kitchen utensil (it can never be aluminum since it would cause a chemical reaction) we will put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, we will wash and cook normally .

Care for the mouth :
To whiten the teeth , all we have to do is mix with the mouthwash that we normally use hydrogen peroxide, we will have it in our mouth for about 5 minutes, we will see how gradually the teeth will whiten.
If we want to clean and sterilize the toothbrush from bacteria, another method we can use is by immersing it in hydrogen peroxide for five minutes, and we will have it ready to use.
As a toothpaste, we will make a mixture with hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate to form a consistent paste, with it we will wash our teeth normally, we will see that with its use our teeth will become whitening.
When we have an infection in a tooth, hydrogen peroxide is very good to attack it, rinsing the mouth three times a day, we will see how we improve making that discomfort disappear.

House cleaning:
With hydrogen peroxide we can disinfect countertops , the bathroom, the kitchen, etc. We will also get them to be cleaner by putting hydrogen peroxide and water in a 50% proportion in a spray.
We can also use it to clean showcases or glass , killing germs and will not leave unpleasant stains or streaks on them.
To disinfect the dishes in the dishwasher, we will put two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in the soap department when we go to wash the dishes. If we want to disinfect the kitchen cutting boards , we will spray them with the solution that we have indicated above and then we will add a splash of vinegar (it is a powerful non-toxic disinfectant), in this way we will eliminate germs, bacteria or salmonella .
We can also use it to disinfect the toys, cages and other equipment of our pets (article.

Uses for clothing :
When we have yellow stains caused by sweat on our white clothes, to remove them we only have to let them soak in hydrogen peroxide for 3 minutes and they are ready to wash. We can also add a cup in the washing machine to wash white clothes.
If, on the contrary, what we want is to remove those Slightly unpleasant smells from the bath towels , we just have to put a glass of hot water, half a glass of hydrogen peroxide and half a glass of vinegar in a bowl, let it soak for 15 minutes and wash as usual.
We can remove recent bloodstains on white clothing, we will pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain and let it rest for several minutes, rub and rinse with cold water, if the stain has not completely come out, we can repeat the above and wash by rubbing with soap, then we will put the garment in the washing machine .
When we want to remove those unpleasant stains from the shower curtain, all we have to do is spray the part that is dirty with a solution of equal parts water with hydrogen peroxide and we will discover how it regains its color.

Our plants:
To protect our plants from fungi , we will put hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts in a sprayer and we will spray them with it, we will also do it on the soil in the pots. The hydrogen peroxide makes them grow faster as it helps transport oxygen and their roots do not rot.
When hydrogen peroxide reacts with substrates, it decomposes into water and oxygen, produces combustion and is a natural disinfectant for plants.
We can also use it as a germination accelerator for seeds .

Lighten hair:
To achieve natural reflections , we will mix hydrogen peroxide and water in equal parts, we will put it in a spray bottle and we will spray our hair after showering, then we will comb it normally.
Another method is to put a little hydrogen peroxide in the shampoo bottle that we use, we will mix it well and then we will proceed to wash our hair, you will see how in a few weeks the tone of the hair has changed by lightening.

For our body:
For eliminate the bacteria that live in the pores of our skin (in the case of adolescents the acne ), we will apply a few drops of Hydrogen peroxide in the affected area once a day and little by little it will heal, the same will happen if at night we put a cotton ball on our face where we have acne scars, the skin will improve in a visible way.
Perfectly clean feet, to prevent nail fungus from getting, we will soak our feet in a basin with hydrogen peroxide (I also put a few tablespoons of salt) for about 10 minutes, in this way we will soften the skin of the feet, we will eliminate the bad smell and the bacteria that cause it, this we can repeat once a week.

Household cleaner:
We will mix well two spoons of bicarbonate and dish soap with 440 ml. of hydrogen peroxide, with this we can clean tiles, sanitary ware , pet cages, etc. achieving that bad odors are eliminated.
To eliminate the mites from the mattresses , what we have to do is a solution based on 75% water and 25% hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, then we will spray the entire mattress allowing it to air for a few hours.
If we want to whiten the dishes that we have from our grandmothers (as long as they are white and do not have any type of drawing), we will let them soak for 10 minutes and they will shine again with all their splendor.

Cleaning and disinfecting the refrigerator, dishwasher and bathtub:
Of the household appliances that we have at home, these are the ones that have a greater exposure to bacteria , bad smells and dirt since they are the ones in which there is always food, we will do a thorough cleaning with hydrogen peroxide and they will be shiny.
To disinfect the bathtub we will have to spray it directly with hydrogen peroxide , in this way we will eliminate mold and bacteria, thus we will prevent infections, we can do it once a week.

I wish you a good day. I wait for you for my next article.

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