How to clean a burnt pan without damaging the non-stick coating

The world of gastronomy is a science, but as in any experiment, there are accidents; in this case, the consequence is a burnt pan that seems to have no remedy. However, there are very effective products to clean a burnt pan, whether it has a nonstick coating or not; the best thing is that you surely have these elements at home, so you won’t have to spend a single euro.

Before starting, it is necessary to emphasize that metal sponges can only be used in pans that do not have a non-stick coating, otherwise you will scratch them. For the most delicate containers you should clean with a soft scouring pad, Teflon or plastic.

For pots with Teflon or ceramic coating

With lemon

Lemon is special for removing stains or cleaning a burnt pot because it contains citric acid that dilutes organic compounds, which can also restore the former shine. Just boil some water with a good splash of lemon juice; 10 to 15 minutes will be enough. Another mechanism is to pour the juice directly on the burned area and leave it overnight; the next day, rinses with warm water and dry. This element does not deteriorate the Teflon or ceramic coating, on the contrary, it adds shine, here you can see all its uses in cleaning.

With white vinegar

Although white vinegar has a fairly acidic pH, it will not be hazardous to the nonstick coating, but it will completely loosen and dissolve the food burn. Put to boil for 5 minutes half a cup of vinegar in the container; if you see that it still does not come out all the black, leave for 5 minutes more, finally wash with soap and water, but remember to use a soft sponge that does not damage the surface.


Soap can clean a burnt pot; the key is how you do it. Place one part of water with a splash of soap over low heat, let it heat for 5 minutes and then wait for it to cool down; remove the residues by washing as usual.

For pans without non-stick coating

With baking soda

As you know, baking soda is a product that serves several purposes in the home; a teaspoon in the washing machine will help you whiten clothes, a pinch of honey will disinfect and clean your face, and a few grams with water and lemon will help to disappear any stomach discomfort or flatulence. But among so many goodnesses, there is one that interests us more, its power to clean a burnt pot.

Place water with two tablespoons of baking soda in the pot, and allow it to boil for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how burnt the pan is. Allow to cool and use a scouring pad to remove all residues. Some people make a kind of cream with the powder and water, apply directly and leave it for several minutes until the burned area softens, then proceed to normal cleaning.

burnt pot stove

With salt

A house may have salt; that is why it is one of our recommendations for this type of cleaning; its abrasive power and texture will allow removing the burnt glue very easily with the help of a sponge. Prepare in the pot a mixture of warm water, the soap you use, and three tablespoons of salt, you will see how the grease remains begin to soften, and the liquid becomes dark; wait about 5 minutes before cleaning.

With vinegar and salt

Earlier, we explained the power of vinegar and its ability to remove the burnt part without damaging the pan’s surface, but now we add salt because this is a pan without nonstick coating. All you need to do is add half a cup of vinegar and a tablespoon of salt to the container, let it boil for 5 minutes, then do the cleaning.

With Coca Cola

Coca-Cola can instantly clean a burnt pot. How do you do it? Place a stream of the liquid in the container and proceed to boil; in less than 3 minutes, you will see the effect. Its carbonic and phosphoric acids are effective for everything that has to do with cleaning.

Beware of stainless steel cookware

Although stainless steel cookware is resistant to corrosion and requires less attention than other cookware to maintain its shine, we warn you that are vulnerable to several products; in this case, we are not referring to the natural ones mentioned in the article, but to others whose chemical content would seem to be effective in removing the burns but would damage them.

Bleach, hydrochloric acid, and concentrated disinfectant or hot products will kill your pots and pans; metallic sponges will create visible scratches on the surface. If you do not want to use natural ingredients to remove stains, you can opt for stainless steel descaler.

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