You should clean and disinfect your mattress, not doing so has disgusting consequences: Find out how to do it.

Learn how to clean it well for a better and cleaner sleep


Cleaning the mattress is very important, not only do we avoid the appearance of dust mites, which is something that harms the health of some people, but we also get to sleep with a “better feeling of cleanliness”, something we all like. We will avoid possible unpleasant odors and all with very accessible products thanks to these tips.

The importance of cleaning the mattress

It is advisable to clean the mattress with every change of season, which would be approximately every six months. This may coincide with the time of bedding change. Sometimes, some mattresses have one side for the hot season and another for the cold season. In that case, we have to turn it around as well.


It is also a good time to do it in case of a stain. If this occurs, it is important to act as soon as possible to avoid it persisting and is more difficult to eliminate later.

With these steps, we will eliminate bad odors, sweating, the possible presence of bacteria, and dust mites, which are elements that can even transmit diseases and are very annoying to the skin. There can be millions of these in a normal mattress; it is worth bearing this in mind.

The “potion mafic”.

The first thing we will do is prepare a “potion” for it. Mix 100 ml of water, 25 ml of lemon juice, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, and half a large spoonful of soap. This can be for clothes or dishes. You will put this mixture in a spray bottle to start with our cleaning.

Steps to clean the mattress

Once we have this mixture we have made (as you can see, all the products are very simple), we will proceed to clean the mattress. If there are yellowish areas on the mattress, you can use a powdered cleaner with active oxygen, which you can find in any supermarket. If not, you can search for this sodium percarbonate.

Once you have applied this, you must apply with the sprayer the mixture you have made before, thus leaving our “potion” on all parts of the mattress.

Once we have done this and the areas are wet, it is the turn to apply steam; this can be done with the help of a steamer. If you don’t have one, you can use steam from an iron. Be careful, however, that the iron does not physically touch the mattress, as you may damage it.

The last step is to rub over the yellowish mark with a cloth, you will see how, little by little, it will slowly disappear.

If you do not have a yellow mark, this last step can be skipped, as it will be properly cleaned and, more importantly, disinfected.

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