The most common mistakes when cleaning windows, don’t make them !

Cleaning windows is not as easy as it looks, but it's not mission impossible either.


Cleaning the windows of the house may seem, at first glance, an easy household chore to perform, but this is not the case. You think that spraying a little window cleaner and wiping it several times with a cloth is more than enough. Oh, how wrong you are! Trying to leave the windows spotless and without a drop of dirt is quite complicated. Although not impossible.

And to be honest, cleaning the windows is the most tedious thing in the house; we prefer a thousand times more to clean the windows clean the bathroom tiles! But one thing is clear: if they are not clean, it doesn’t matter if the sun is shining brightly outside, bright light will never come through the window – and what a nuisance! But don’t worry. Here we will tell you which is the best homemade glass cleaner, the steps you should follow in cleaning them, and the mistakes you should avoid making. Enjoy reading!

How to clean windows

There are indeed thousands and thousands of cleaning products on the market to suit all tastes. Some are more expensive; others are cheaper. We have tried all the existing brands, and, honestly, the best way to keep the crystals is to use a homemade mixture with ingredients that we all have at home.

How to clean windows

How to make a homemade glass cleaner

To make this homemade window cleaner you will need to mix two cups of water with half a cup of white vinegar, mix them very well and pour them into a spray bottle. You can put a name tag on the outside so that no family member picks it up by mistake.

Products you need to clean them

Steps to follow to clean windows

The first thing you should do before you start cleaning is to prepare the solution, which we have told you about above, to prepare your own homemade glass cleaner with white vinegar and have the rest of the necessary products at hand. Then, you must follow the next steps:

  1. Fill a bucket with clean, cold water and add a few drops of liquid soap. The one you use for washing dishes is a good choice.
  2. As you are going to spill water on the floor, we advise you to put a large bath towel right underneath so that youdon’t have to wipe the floor afterward.
  3. Before spraying the spray liquid, it is necessary first to clean the windows. To do this, take the microfiber cloth, soak it in the bucket of soapy water and wipe the windows starting from the top. Don’t forget to clean the window frames as well.
  4. Next, it’s time to use your homemade spray. Spray the mixture on the glass and start wiping it, in a Z-shape, with the paper towel. You can also use a newspaper.
  5. When you finish, check well if there are any stains because, normally, you will need a couple of coats to get them completely shiny.

Mistakes to avoid during cleaning

As mentioned in this article, , it is not so easy to leave clean windows. In addition to strictly following all the above steps without skipping any of them, we advise you to try to avoid, as far as possible, making the following mistakes:

Keeping in mind the things you should not do while cleaning and following to the letter the steps we have left you on how to clean windows, you will have no problem leaving them shiny for a good season.

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