The best way to clean your bronze objects without damaging them

Natural products are excellent to recover the shine

Perhaps because of the passing of the years of the dust of the house, your bronze objects are accumulating dirt, discoloring, or turning green; it is even possible that some parts are beginning to rust. Don’t worry! We will explain how to clean bronze in a very easy way, with products that you surely have in your home, so that you don’t spend so much money and can save for other priorities.

5 products to clean bronze

With ammonia

This product is delicate to handle, so first, put on gloves and a protective mask so that the gases do not affect the respiratory tract or eyes, and it is also necessary to carry out the cleaning in a ventilated area so that the odors emitted do not concentrate.

Fill a container with one part of water and one part of ammonia, and place the bronze object for 5 minutes; you will see that the solution begins to turn a little dark but do not panic because it means that it is doing the desired effect. Once this time has elapsed, remove the object and rinse it with clean water; if you consider that there are still some parts to clean, soak it again for another 5 minutes. Remove, rinse and dry.

Another way you can implement to clean bronze is to fill a container with ammonia, lemon, water, and vinegar. The time required is the same, 5 minutes; the cleaning will be deeper while giving a shiny finish to your ornament or utensil.

With baking soda

Baking soda is a multi-purpose product: For cooking, disinfecting surfaces, as bleach, to treat heartburn or indigestion, eliminating excess oil on the scalp, as a natural treatment to control acne. In the case we are interested in, cleaning is very powerful because it contains an acid pH that dissolves organic compounds such as grease, dust, or dirt. Although it is abrasive, it does not damage the objects. There is no risk of affecting the skin, so is safe to use. To clean the bronze element, mix 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of baking soda, let it boil for half an hour, then wash it with running water and dry it; it will be shiny!

The fusion of baking soda with lemon juice will also be effective, especially for cleaning coins. In this mode, you must wash your metal with warm water, then form a paste with the two ingredients and rub it on the object in a circular motion until you see it clean. Remember that lemon is quite acidic, so if you have dry skin , it is best to wear gloves.

With salt

For this job you will need to make a cream with equal parts salt and flour, then add a splash of white vinegar until it has the consistency of toothpaste. Bathe the metals to be cleaned with warm water so that it loosens the residues of dust or concentrated dirt, dry them and begin to rub with the mixture; you should use a cloth, although if you prefer a brush, it should be of soft bristles so that it does not scratch the surface.

Apply circular movements to polish for at least 5 minutes; you will observe how it returns to its original color and the shine it had before. If the greenish or blackened color persists, leave the object with the smeared paste for 30 minutes, rinse, and proceed to dry polishing.

With Coca Cola

Coca-Cola is a drink that may be a must in your kitchen, but did you know that it also has a powerful cleaning function? This is due to its composition of phosphoric and carbonic acid; it will not only be useful for cleaning bronze but also for removing stains from clothes, leaving windows shiny, removing paint stains, removing scale from toilets and even as a pesticide.

To sanitize your bronze objects, you only have to immerse them in a container with this drink, wait for a couple of hours and then wash them with warm water. Another procedure consists of soaking a cloth with Coca-Cola and rubbing in circular movements.

With toothpaste

There are two ways to remove green marks or dirt with toothpaste. The first is to polish with this product in a circular motion; the second is to leave the paste on the bronze for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and finally dry the polish.

Rust removal formula

ketchup to clean bronze

You won’t believe ketchup will help you naturally remove rust from your metals. This is possible because it is composed of tomato acids that act by cleaning the superficial reddish layer generated by humidity or water. You only have to smear your ornament, pot, coin, or bronze jewel with the sauce, rub very well, then rinse and dry. The cleaning time will depend on how oxidized the surface is, usually no more than 5 minutes. You can also choose to leave the ketchup on for 30 minutes, rinse, and polish dry with a cloth, preferably a microfiber cloth.

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