Not doing this cleaning on your iron can ruin your clothes; Tips to remove residues.

cleaning ironing house

As time goes by, irons get dirty and, like anything else, accumulate residues and deteriorate. < vital>These things can cause the clothes to be ruined. To avoid this, it is helpful to know how to clean our iron at home thus, we can preserve our clothes in the best possible way. We will do only some of this with excellent and difficult-to-obtain cleaning products, but with things, you have around the house.

Keep your iron in perfect condition with these cleaning tips

Mix baking soda with water, use about two tablespoons and stir until it has a paste consistency. It has to be dense enough to apply it to the iron. In addition, it is also recommended that the water be distilled so it will not have lime or impurities.

Plancha in operation
Plancha in operation
  1. You must apply this dough on the plate, you can help yourself with your fingers, or you can do it with a spatula. This should be made of plastic, wood, or any material that does not scratch the plate.
  2. The paste needs a few minutes to act; let it stand for a while, and remove the paste with a clean, slightly damp cloth. Afterward, wipe it with a spotless and dry cloth.
cleaning of Plancha
  1. You also have to clean the holes where the steam comes out; for this, you can use cotton swabs, the ones you use to clean the ears. You can also use a skewer stick with one coated paper towel. Moisten it also with water (distilled if possible) and do it slowly and carefully.
  2. It is to turn off the water tank, empty it, and fill it to one-third of its capacity. Ideally, use a mixture of distilled water and white vinegar. The amount should be one part vinegar to three parts water. Then, turn on the grill and set it to the maximum temperature. Also, activate the steam option to pass through all the holes and finish the job you have done with the swabs.
  3. Use an old cloth to iron it, this will pick up any remaining dirt. Afterward, you empty the tank and let it stand for a few hours to cool down completely.

Other ways to clean the iron

You can do the cleaning with other products such as table salt; for this, pour several tablespoons of salt into a clean cloth and rub the iron well with it when it is hot. Afterward, let the iron cool down and wipe off the remains with a damp cloth.

If the iron is non-stick, you can heat water and add a couple of drops of detergent, dip a cloth in this mixture, and use it to clean the iron.

clean iron

You can also use toothpaste; apply a little of this paste on the base of the iron, and float it with a clean cloth. When finished, please turn on the iron and let it release steam for a few minutes.

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