Hazardous substances and cleaning products to avoid during pregnancy

The main thing is always to read instruction labels, including natural products


In most cases, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful, unique, and significant stages in a woman’s life. It is undoubtedly an unforgettable experience, with constant physical and mental changes. Still, it is also a time of many constant dangers and precautionary measures that must be taken to take care of the health of both mother and baby. One of them: Exposure to toxic substances.

So, if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably wondering which cleaning products to avoid during pregnancy to increase protection; that’s why today we tell you everything you need to know to clean safely any area of the house without worry or risk. Don’t miss any detail!

Which cleaning products are toxic for a pregnant woman?

There are substances in the home that can be harmful to a pregnant woman, and although there are a lot of taboos about the subject, the best thing to do is to become fully informed. The main thing is always to read instruction labels, including natural products, so you can prevent the risk of congenital disabilities, especially if they have “danger” or “poison” warnings.harmful substances pregnant women

Similarly, specialists recommend using gloves to avoid skin irritation during the sensitivity generated by pregnancy and open doors and windows to let intense odors out when cleaning the home periodically.

Oven or toilet cleaners

Most of these cleaners contain sodium hydroxide, a component that can be highly harmful if inhaled. It directly affects the throat, causes irritation in the respiratory area, and remains for some days. It is also corrosive to the skin and eyes.

Paint removers

As you know, strong odors affect pregnancy, and, particularly, the smell of these substances is quite intense. It May cause dizziness if inhaled for a long time, burning in the nose, and irritation in the eyes, lips, and even ears. It is recommended not to use it during those nine months.

Do not forget to avoid the smell of varnish during pregnancy since paint is generally toxic for pregnant women. This is because it contains chemicals that could cause intoxication, especially oil-based paints, polyurethane, aerosol, and any solvent or remover.

If there is no other option and you must use it, ventilate the environment, wear gloves, goggles, and a mask and try to do it as quickly as possible.

Insecticides, pesticides, and repellents

All these substances are poisons; if exposure to them at high levels is constant and frequent, there is a risk of miscarriage, deformities, or premature births.

Similarly, what happens if a pregnant woman smells gas, gasoline, toner, chemicals for cleaning clothes or dyes and hairdressing formaldehyde is similar, as these toxic vapors are counterproductive for the lungs and the respiratory system in general.


It is no secret that this chemical is one of the strongest in terms of odor and toxicity. Regular exposure to ammonia leads to respiratory problems and even blindness in extreme cases. In the case of pregnancy, ammonia is absorbed by the body through the pores of the skin and is toxic for the baby, so, undoubtedly, it should be left aside during this time.


It is the disinfectant par excellence in most homes; we all know that; however, if it is concentrated and accidentally inhaled, it is quite dangerous, causing nausea, skin irritation, and even death. Never in your life mix it with ammonia because it will be highly harmful and lethal! This applies whether or not you are pregnant.

So, which products CAN a pregnant woman use?

The smartest and most reliable is to use natural home remedies such as baking soda, white vinegar, and lemon. None are toxic, environmentally friendly, economic, and, best of all? Extremely versatile! Take advantage of the properties of each one, and you will see that they are equal to or better than the chemical products of all life.

For example, white vinegar and water form a solution that cleans and removes dirt from glass, mirrors, windows, countertops, steel, and other surfaces. While mixing the baking soda and lemon, prepare a paste-like cleaner to sanitize the oven, microwave, pots, utensils, and grease stains on tiles. Your and your baby’s well-being is the priority!

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