Cleaning the house with this food is said to eliminate bad energies easily.


Home is where we wish to come to rest from work and chores at the end of each long and tiring day. But what about the high number of people who are not at ease in their homes? What is it that causes that constant feeling of heaviness in the air? How can it be combated?

Sometimes, this heavy burden is due to the magnitude of the bad vibrations that surround it, as well as the envy and dark desires that approach the inhabitants of the home. If this is also happening to you, it is time to purify the environment by cleaning, and for this, the best option is the millenary natural product obtained from the bark of a tree: cinnamon.

This spice enjoys medicinal properties for being an anticoagulant, promoting blood circulation, controlling sugar levels, aiding weight loss, and in addition to all that, it helps fight insomnia. It is even an aphrodisiac! However, it was found to have a strong influence on the magical world, providing protection, the attraction of good luck, love, and abundance. In this article, we teach you how to clean the house of bad energies with cinnamon and fight negativity once and for all.

How to detect bad energies in the home

The negative energies you will perceive in the aura vanish all possible comfort and warmth in the house. In addition, it is associated with illnesses suffered by household members, fights, misunderstandings, lies, and very severe grudges. In addition, “strange” smells often arise out of nowhere, cold, stress, and sadness, which directly and indirectly influence the general state of the dwelling and its people.detect bad energies at homeOne of the most effective methods to reveal what is going on is to turn to salt and vinegar to manifest and confront dark intentions. As well to this trick, laurel is great for energetic home cleansing. But, particularly, cinnamon is ideal for the spiritual hygiene of any space. Its esoteric powers call for bonanza, harmony, and even the return of passion to couples.

How to clean negativity at home with cinnamon

The first thing you should do is to thoroughly clean every part of your home. The bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, hallways, dining room, floors, and carpets – everything! Once you ensure that the house is free of dust and clutter, get rid of the broken, old, and dirty things you no longer use and make way for the new, so you will have full confidence that authentic energies will flow in the right way. These are the esoteric uses of cinnamon most recommended by experts in this field:

Do not forget to perform energetic cleansing from time to time in old or second-hand objects and bedrooms, especially those you use to rest, for example: the couch or the mattress. Turn the cushions and pillows over, pass the smoke of cinnamon sticks or incense over them, and you will notice a more satisfactory rest and much more relaxation.

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