Is Cleaning the trash can in Florida different from other places? How to do it right?

Ideas to keep in mind for a perfect cleaning

Cleaning the Trash Can|Trash Can

Maintaining proper cleaning is key to the hygiene of our home. Just as we must keep our house clean, it is the same with garbage cans. These accumulate a large number of bacteria and dirt daily. Florida’s humid climate makes this situation even more unclean. This situation and combination of humidity and heat, makes the type of cleaning related to garbage a bit special.

Therefore, cleaning the garbage cans is vital for our health and that of the rest of the house’s inhabitants. In this article, we will talk about the keys to keeping a garbage can in Florida sanitized. From the number of necessary cleaning materials to the best way to eliminate bad odors. Keep in mind that some of these ideas may already be familiar, but, they are not always applied correctly.

Why is it so important to clean the buckets?

Hygiene is fundamental to our health and our environment. A clean house is a happy home. Thus, cleaning garbage cans is also essential to maintain hygiene in our homes. It is convenient to look at the bucket from time to time to check that it does not have remains of garbage, liquids with bad smells, etc. At the end of the day, a large amount of garbage of all kinds ends up in our garbage cans.

Trash Can cleaning
Trash Can

Whether it is food leftovers, milk containers, juice, or drink cans, all this accumulates many bacteria and bad odors. That makes that the hygiene of our house diminishes considerably. Since we can not avoid some dirt because the bucket will always be in the same place, what is in our hands is to remove as much as possible, and we can do it through proper cleaning.

How to proceed with the cleaning of the bucket

The most convenient way to clean the garbage can is to take it outside. Once outside, wearing gloves, we will proceed to remove any debris that may remain inside. When the bucket is completely empty, we can start cleaning. Using a hose, for example, we can give it the first pass. This way, we will eliminate most of the dirt in the bucket. Once it is wet and with the minimum amount of visible dirt, disinfection begins. For this, we can use the bleach we have at home. We will mix ⅓ cup containing bleach with a generous amount of water.

Once the disinfecting mixture we have created starts to act on the bucket, we will begin scrubbing. We can do this with the help of a scouring pad or squeegee. To complete the disinfection, the bucket must remain wet with bleach and water for at least 6 minutes. After these minutes of disinfection, we can rinse the bucket with the hose again. The bucket can be dried by hand or left to air dry. It is best to leave the bucket in the sun for a full day to avoid future unpleasant odors.

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