Why a condensing boiler is the best choice for your home

caldera condensacion calefaccion|condensing boilers advantages|

The boilers are one of the elements that allow us to provide heat to our home during the winter, especially in those moments in which the temperatures are low temperatures are lower. However, with the recent economic crisis, we have had to look for ways to save on heating and one of the easiest ways is to use a boiler with high energy efficiency.

Condensing boilers are one of the most modern and preferred alternatives by many users. But how do condensing boilers work and what are the advantages of this type of system? We are going to solve all these doubts about this product for heating / hot water.

How a condensing boiler can save you money and energy

Within the field of heating we can find many different types of boilers such as oil boilers, gas boilers and condensing boilers. Condensing boilers have become one of the best-selling boiler types in recent years, but what are condensing boilers and how do they work? condensing boiler what is it

This type of boiler has greater energy efficiency than the models traditionally used for a very simple reason: takes advantage of the latent heat of the fumes. In the more traditional models, this heat is usually evacuated with the boiler fumes, while the models that work by condensation usually recover part of it by converting the gas into liquid and using it for the normal operation of the boiler.

But not only that, the temperature usually reached by older boiler models during combustion can easily reach 120 °C, while this is not the case with condensing boilers. What happens is that, by recovering part of the energy from the gases produced by the boiler, the temperature of the gases is reduced and may drop to values of 45 °C or even lower. An aspect that contributes to emitting much less polluting gases into the atmosphere.

They are, therefore, an alternative that allows us to take care of the environment while raising the usual energy efficiency of our house to heat it with much less fuel, which will end up impacting the amount of our energy bill.

Advantages of condensing boilers over other boilers

We have already seen how this type of device works, but what are its advantages over other systems? Why have condensing boilers become so important? The main advantages of this type of device are explained below.

High energy efficiency

This type of boiler is much more efficient than other more traditional models, such as gas or oil boilers. This is due precisely to their operation, which helps us to achieve yields close to 100% by providing the calorific value of condensation.

condensing boilers advantages

More environmentally friendly

While it is true that condensing boilers are not as good as renewable energies, they do emit less polluting gases than other devices of this type. This is because these boilers operate at a lower temperature by recovering part of the energy from condensation.

In fact, it is believed that they can reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by up to 70%. For this reason, some plans support the replacement of the more traditional and polluting boiler models by this other type.

Better demand-driven regulation

Usually, in the most traditional boilers, the temperature of the fumes and water must be above the dew point of the gases, which prevents them from effectively adjusting to variations in demand. However, in condensing boilers this does not happen, adjusting to any operating range that is necessary in the home.

Savings on gas bills

The fact that these boilers operate at a lower temperature is not only beneficial for the environment, but also for our pocket, in fact, it is estimated that they can provide us with a energy bill savings of between 25 and 30%. This, in turn, means that we amortize the purchase of the boiler very quickly.


Finally, it is also important to highlight the fact that these boilers operate without shutdowns, thus avoiding those start-up and shut-down noises that are so characteristic of older boilers. This is appreciated, especially if they are operating at night, when noises are much more easily perceived.

So, as you can see, these types of boilers have many more benefits than traditional models and can help us take care of our planet more efficiently. We hope this article has helped you to get to know them a little better.

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