Cross stitch borders for tablecloths

Cenefas punto cruz manteles

Today I bring you Cross-stitch borders for tablecloths .

Graphics you can make your embroidery easily.

With these free cross stitch schemes you can make your tablecloths unique and personalized.
Steps to print these charts . If you don’t know how to do it, I’ll explain it to you here: click on the image with the right mouse button and click on save as … (you can create a folder for these graphics or you can simply find them in your downloads folder).
Once you get the drawing you have several options to work with it :

Well with that said, I’m going to start showing you the free cross stitch charts.

punto cruz manteles

You can opt for these graphics. They are very easy and fast to embroider ; they will surprise you.

What do you think of these cross stitch graphics? Pretty, right? If you are interested I have more cross stitch graphics in the following posts: cross stitch motifs for the kitchen , free cross stitch graphics, free cross stitch flower graphics and free animal cross stitch graphics .

Where do I buy the Borders:

Normally I do it in amazon, here I collect the top sales (that if you buy through our links they give us a commission and in your final pvp it does not affect)
[amazon bestseller=”cenefas” template=”list” style=”light” items=”6″ grid=”2″ numbering=”true” ribbon_text=”TOP %NUMBER%” image_size=”small” image_align=”left” button=”none” star_rating_size=”small” star_rating=”yes”]

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