This is the most effective home trick to clean a mattress and eliminate dust mites.

Baking soda is a powerful cleaner and disinfectant with the ability to eliminate dust mites and odors from the mattress.


There’s nothing like coming home after a busy day at work, lying down, and resting. However, we cannot escape the responsibility of cleaning and home maintenance, which adds to the stress accumulated on our shoulders and back. Have you ever thought about cleaning your mattress in your life?

Probably not, and you should know that a mattress has an average life span of approximately 9 to 12 years, as long as it is kept well cared for and clean. As with cleaning pillows, if not sanitized regularly, small dust mites, mold, and bacteria harmful to health accumulate in it, unsightly stains appear, and its useful life is shortened.

One of the most effective methods is to turn to a household ally that our grandmother always mentioned in her natural remedies. Today we want to show you how to easily clean and disinfect a mattress with baking soda in a few steps. Let’s do it!

How to clean the mattress at home with baking soda

The sodium in baking soda has been a revolutionary cleaning agent capable of neutralizing intense and annoying odors – such as urine, for example – on household surfaces and any environment in general. Its effectiveness is such that it is not necessary to wash the mattress with water and run with the bad luck that it rains or it gets cloudy that day, and the remedy is worse than the disease.

clean baking soda mattress

Luckily you can dry clean a mattress with or without vacuuming, fight dust mites, and leave it smelling good with this cleaning hack. Take note of this simple, fast and effective procedure:

  1. Remove the sheets and pillows that are on the mattress.
  2. If possible, use a vacuum cleaner to pick up all traces of dirt, dust, lint, or hair you see on the surface. If, on the other hand, you do not have a vacuum cleaner, you can use a dry cloth.
  3. Are there stains on your mattress? Prepare a mixture of water and neutral liquid soap, soak a soft cloth and rub each stains with light pressure.
  4. Rinse with another cloth a little more, and to speed up drying, use a hair dryer to prevent moisture from running to the rest of the mattress.
  5. Once completely dry, sprinkle the entire surface of the mattress with plenty of baking soda and let it act for at least 4 hours. It is important to have enough to cover the entire space. It will absorb any bad odor, kill harmful microorganisms, and leave fresh.
  6. After the time has elapsed, remove with the help of a vacuum cleaner, or with a soft bristle brush or dry cloth. And that’s it!

Baking soda is an affordable, accessible and beneficial home remedy. Thanks to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and mitigating bad odors, it disinfects and sanitizes. As a final recommendation, turn the mattress over at least every three months to maintain its shape and extend its useful life.

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