How to wash lace underwear and lingerie to avoid infections

what should be washed by hand and what in the washing machine


Every woman loves to be and feel sensual, so every woman has at least one lace lingerie set in addition to everyday underwear. And although everyone has different washing routines, most of us completely ignore the manufacturer’s instruction label; after all, we think “…”.How complicated can this garment be to clean?” The truth is that it is very easy, but poor or inadequate hygiene can affect health in intimacy Pay attention!

There is an infinity of models and types of women’s underwear made of silk, tulle, or lace. However, not all of them require the same care as the rest of your clothes due to the delicate fibers of their fabric. If not properly cleaned and disinfected, they may be damaged and lose their characteristic spice, leading to the proliferation of fungi. Don’t mess up!

Today we show you how to wash women’s underwear and lingerie correctly and avoid infections. Take note of these practical tips to make your life a little easier.

Are washing lingerie and everyday underwear different?

Yes, there is a big difference. They are made differently and their care varies. When talking about lingerie, we can define them as more delicate garments that seek to highlight the femininity and sensuality of the female body. Generally, they are not worn daily, therefore, their useful life is longer and they are washed less frequently.lingerie lingerie womanOn the other hand, undergarments are made for comfort and are used daily, so they are constantly washed with stronger soaps. Their main function is to maintain hygiene, and they are made of more resistant and softer materials, such as cotton. Their shapes are simpler and flatter and are available in different sizes to adapt to each body type.

How to wash women’s underwear

The first thing to do is to evaluate what should be washed by hand and what in the washing machine; on the other hand, undergarments with stains (menstruation or fluids) should be treated before putting them in the washing machine by soaking them for 15 minutes with a mild stain remover.

Once the old marks have been removed or mitigated, it is time to separate the garments by color; you wouldn’t wash red clothes with white , would you?

Next, the need should be addressed according to the fabric, since some lace lingerie is thinner and more delicate than others, and, by separating them, you prevent bacteria from passing from one to the other. For example, in sports underwear, due to the constant humidity of perspiration, microorganisms are concentrated and should be washed in lukewarm water. Remember that the main thing is to avoid vaginal infections.

How to wash lace underwear by hand

To keep any intimate garment in optimal conditions, it is advisable to wash them by hand. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a basin with cold water and pour two capfuls of detergent for delicate fabrics.
  2. Soak the clothes for 30 minutes and move them a little to soak them well.
  3. After this time, rub gently -with your hands- in the areas that need it most.
  4. Rinse with cold water and squeeze to remove excess water – but do not squeeze too hard – and let them dry in the shade.

How to wash underwear in a washing machine

It is often believed that it is bad to wash underwear in the washing machine, but nothing is further from the truth than this. The key to a fast and efficient automatic wash is a specific program for delicate garments, and consider certain tricks that will keep the fabric safe and cared for throughout the process. Note the following:

Disinfect underwear from fungus

In case of any itching, burning or foul smelling sensation, we recommend that you go to your gynecologist to treat this unpleasant situation. Suppose you are interested in knowing how to wash clothes from infections. In that case, it is possible to use natural products such as tea tree oil, since its components are antibacterial and a good remedy in these cases.

Just mix in a basin a little of the detergent of your choice, a couple of tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of this oil. Soak the garments for 30 minutes and then wash them, as usual, , either by hand or in the washing machine. Don’t forget that if you want to wear lingerie and feel allergies or rashes, it is best to wait a couple of days until you get better.

Put these useful tips into practice and keep intimate garments in good condition and ensure that the lingerie stretches, always fit well, and the color stays the same as the first day.

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