Tricks and tips to make your small living room look a lot bigger, and to keep it clean

In a small room it is necessary to know how to make the most of the space in order to enjoy it.


If you have a nice and beautiful house with some smaller rooms, don’t worry because it’s as easy as learning how to use every inch well and thus take advantage of it. This happens with a particular room in which we spend a lot of time, and so it happens that taking advantage of the space of a small living room becomes a fundamental key to continuing to carry out our day-to-day there.

The living room is probably one of the most important elements of any home. We usually meet with the family, rest after a long day at work, watch movies and even have lunch and dinner, if we have the space to do so. It is where we read books, look out the window, telework or meet up with friends for a drink.

This is why it is transcendental to understand the keys to making the most of all the space if you have a small living room. Although it is a challenge, there is no problem in finding a way to make that room the best it can be. Let’s tell you about it!

Tips to make the most of the space of a small living room size

Apartments and flats in larger cities are getting smaller and smaller. This is because more and more people are trying to build, but also because in the most central neighborhoods and areas, apartment purchases and rents are rising, and many people can only afford tiny apartments, with a very small living room.

how to make the most of the space to decorate a small living room

For all those people who are in this same situation, and for you if you are in this group, we are going to reveal to you the tricks you can use to get the feeling that you’re making the most of your space and making your small living room a place that’s pleasant to be in.

Ideas for take advantage of all the space in a small living room (UNsplash/Patrick Perkins)

In short, having a small living room happens in many houses, especially if you live in Madrid or Barcelona. That is why decoration stores know about this situation, They also sell furniture that can be included in very small rooms, where we do not want the furniture to steal the space to enjoy a good living room. That, together with these small tips to make the most of the room, will help you to have, despite everything, a very good living room.

Work from home

In the new normality, after the pandemic, a lot of work places kinda transposed the millions of living rooms in around the world. That’s why it’s even more important to arrange everything in the space to take all the advantage of every square feed, every inch. Here are some advices for the work-from-home era: they will help you deal with work responsibilities and home obligations at the same time.

What about your bathroom?

If your living room is small, it could mean that you live in a not-that-big apartment or house. Having said that, you also may have a small bathroom. For that, we’ve prepared a cluster of tips for you to make the most of your bathroom. I mean, you do use that space daily, many times, to take a shower, to do your business and even activities like brush your teeth or clean your skin after a long day at the office.

Avoid to add that much surfaces, so you won’t have to be cleaning all day.

Keeping your space clean

The more surfaces you have, the more surfaces you have that will collect dust and dirt. So, it’s recommendable to think about minimalism when designing your apartment, which is even more important if you live in a studio, or a small flat. For that, you can opt to look into about the Marie Kondo method, and all the boxes, cases, and bags that you can add to your space to keep garments and other things free from dust.

Now, you want to keep your space tidy and clean. Don’t buy tens of products, one for each purpose. There is one main liquid you’ll ever need, and you won’t believe it’s eco-friendly, biodegradable, and actually cheaper than all the industrial stuff you can get from the supermarket. We’ll tell you about it here. Take a look!

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