5 mistakes that are causing you to spend more heating than necessary

Raising the temperature of our boiler or placing the radiators incorrectly are some of them.

electricity bill errors|Errors in saving on electricity bills|

The expenses of a house are always something that usually worries us, but with the crisis in which we are currently immersed, its control has become even more primordial. That is why it is important to know how to save on heating, to look for energy-efficient devices, and to have good consumption habits.

But even so, sometimes we make mistakes that make us spend more than we should, and today we will tell you about them.

Mistakes that cause you to spend more heating and pay more

This winter promises to be tough because our energy bills have risen considerably with the increase in the price of almost all fuels. This makes it increasingly difficult for us to cope with them.

reduce electricity consumption

However, there is a way to improve this situation, and it consists of creating adequate energy consumption routines while avoiding some mistakes that we tend to make in our daily lives and that make us spend much more than we should. We explain what they are so that you can take action.

Keep the boiler on at all times.

Surely you have heard more than once that the boiler should constantly be on so that there are no energy peaks at the heating time. Well, the truth is that these energy peaks have a smaller impact on our bill than having the heating on all the time.

If you do not live in a very cold area, and you are not going to use the heating, it is best to turn it off during those hours in which you are not going to use it to achieve greater energy savings.

Errors in saving on electricity bills

Do not close those radiators that we do not use

Finally, another very simple guideline, but one that can help us to achieve good savings, is the fact of close those that are not being used. However, this only makes sense in a house that operates with thermostats since we will be able to distribute the temperature correctly to the rest of the rooms.

Whereas, in those homes that still operate with central heating, consumption will be the same regardless of whether all the radiators are on.

Set the boiler to a very high temperature.

Sometimes, when we want to heat the house quickly, we raise the temperature too much, but this is also a mistake that will make us spend too much because the house will not be heated before, and we will have an energy peak.

It is best to choose an average temperature and, in addition, adjust it based on each room since the time we spend in each of them is not the same, and their energy needs are not the same either. Thus, in those rooms we do not enter, it can be switched off, while in the living room or kitchen the ideal is 18 or 20º.

Locating radiators in the wrong places

The location of this type of device can also help us achieve significant savings, which is why we must consider it.

If they are already installed radiators, you will not be able to do much, but if they are portable, it is best to place them under the windows so that the air entering through them forms currents and helps distribute the heat throughout the house.

Disregarding thermostat degrees

We tend to think that putting one degree more or less on our thermostat will not affect our bill, but the truth is that it does. In fact, lowering the temperature of our house by one degree can save between 7 and 11% of its energy. So ideally, we should look for ways to keep the temperature of our home stable, and the lower it is, the more savings we will achieve.


As you can see, the guidelines we have presented are very simple, so it will hardly cost you any effort to incorporate them into your daily routine. Still, they can help you to obtain great savings in your energy bills, so we advise you to start applying them now.

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