Not doing this wastes much more heating: Prepare the radiators before the cold weather to reduce consumption.

|radiator heating radiators purge

The winter months are approaching, and low temperatures are just around the corner. That is why we must start checking our heating system to ensure that everything is working properly and that no faults need to be corrected before turning on the heating.

In this regard, one of the most problematic elements is the heating radiators, and we may find that when it comes to turning on the heating, they do not heat up as much as they should. Something that will impact consumption is having to use more energy to heat our homes.

But this problem is usually avoided in a very simple way: by purging the radiators, and today we will explain how to do it. So, read on if you want to know what it consists of and how you should purge your radiators.

Why we should bleed radiators to save heating costs

Surely this has happened to you at some point: winter arrives, you go to turn on the heating and suddenly you find that your radiators are not heating enough. This is a very common situation and cannot be avoided no matter how well we have cleaned the radiators and kept them in good condition during the summer.

how to bleed radiators
how to bleed radiators

The problem is inside the circuit, and is that radiators usually accumulate air inside, which is what hinders the circulation of water that we need for it to heat and emit heat evenly. So, until we are able to expel it, they will not be able to function at full capacity.

This is achieved when we carry out the task of purging the radiators, since what we do is to remove that possible amount of air that has accumulated in the circuit so that the radiators heat our home in the way they should. But when should radiators be purged? Is there a specific time when it is best to do so? We will answer this question in the next point.

When is it best to purge radiators?

As we have seen so far, a malfunction of the radiators can make our boiler has to work twice as hard to heat our home, so as you can imagine, the best way to avoid this is to carry out the radiator flushing. before we turn on the heating.

Thus, one of the best times to carry out these maintenance tasks is the end of summer or autumn, because this way we leave the whole circuit ready for the beginning of the cold weather. In addition, if you establish it as an annual practice, it will be easier for you to carry it out.

How to purge radiators step by step

Now that we know the importance of carrying out this type of maintenance task, it is time to learn step by step how to do it. Far from what it may seem, purging radiators is a very simple task that you can carry out yourself and it will only take you a few minutes. Take note.

Check if it is necessary to do so in your radiator

Although we recommend that you do this once a year, it may be the case that it is not necessary, so you should check first. To do so, all you have to do is turn on the heating and run your hand over the radiator When it has warmed up, if you notice that the upper part is cooler than the lower part, this means that the air has been trapped and is not allowing the air to circulate properly.

In this way, if you notice that the radiator heats normally, you can skip the task of purging radiators, although you should be alert in case at some point they stop heating, as this could involve a higher energy consumption by your boiler and also a higher amount of gas bill. Meanwhile, if you notice that they do not heat enough, you should properly purge all radiators in the house.

Radiator flushing begins

You must bleed the radiators when they are completely cold, so if you have turned on the boiler you must turn it off again and wait for the circuit to cool down. Once everything is ready, you can start with the radiator closest to the boiler.

To do this safely, it is best to take a large ladle to place under the radiator faucet because this way you will avoid wetting the floor in case water comes out during or at the end of the flushing process, which is common. Take a screwdriver or a wrench and start turning the radiator key until you manage to open the radiator valve, since it will be from there that the air trapped in the circuit and the water will have to come out.

If you notice that the air smells a little bad, do not worry, it is normal considering that it has been trapped inside the circuit. You only have to wait until the water flowing out is fluid because this will mean that the air is completely out and then turn the faucet off again. Repeat this process in all the radiators you have in the house, bearing in mind that not all of them have to accumulate air, so the result in each one of them does not have to be the same as the previous one.

Check your boiler

Finally, you should go to your boiler and check that the boiler pressure is between 1 and 1.5 bar because this will mean that it can work properly. If this is not the case, you will have to introduce or drain water until it reaches the optimum pressure for its operation.

As you can see, the process to purge the radiators is something necessary if we want to increase the energy efficiency of our home and, in addition, it is a very simple process to do. We hope that this article has helped you to learn more about it and that you will begin to put it into practice in your home.

How to clean your radiators.

The best way to clean your radiators: The first step is to turn off the heating system and let the radiator cool completely. Next, using a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle attachment, carefully remove any dust or dirt around the radiator fins. Once the radiator is clean, use a soft cloth to wipe the radiator surface. Be sure to dry the surface completely to avoid oxidation.

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