The best time to plant a kiwifruit at home and grow it in your garden

If you've ever considered planting your own kiwi tree, you've come to the right place. We'll show you how to plant this plant in your garden.


The kiwifruit plant (Actinidia deliciosa) originally comes from the temperate parts of southwest China. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was exported to Europe, the United States and New Zealand, where the vast majority of kiwis are grown today. There are two main types of kiwifruit plants that can be planted in home gardens: the traditional kiwifruit (A. deliciosa) and the hardy kiwifruit or kiwiberry (A. arguta, A. kolomikta). The first is the variety most of us are familiar with, it produces those fuzzy brown fruits that are about the size of a hen’s egg. Hardy kiwifruit, on the other hand, produces a soft, green, grape-sized fruit, which is why it is also known as “kiwiberry”.

In addition to the difference in their fruits, the plants also differ in terms of hardiness, but the fruit and flowers of both types are very susceptible to spring and autumn frosts, so that it is best to grow this plant in frost-free areas in at least 200 days. You can accompany your kiwi with papaya trees, if you like the idea, we show you how to plant papaya trees. how to plant papaya at home to enjoy this fruit.

When is the best time to plant kiwifruit?

Plant kiwifruit in the spring after the threat of frost has passed. Kiwifruit usually begin to bear fruit 3 to 5 years after planting, so you should have a little patience. Start by choosing and preparing a good planting site, kiwifruit plants need a sunny location to produce the best growth and the most fruit.

how to plant kiwi

It is best to plant in a protected area of the garden to avoid wind damage. In addition, kiwi plants require well-drained soil, as they are prone to root rot if kept too wet. As this plant grows slowly, they need sturdy supports, therefore, it is best to erect a tall, strong trellis system that can support the vines and their fruits.

How to plant kiwifruit?

To obtain a good kiwi crop, you should plant male and female plants. The females are the ones that produce the fruit, but they need to be pollinated. Dig a hole larger than the root ball of the seedlings you got from the nursery and plant the vines at a distance of 3 to 5 meters. Consider that you may need to trim the roots if they are too long and plant deep enough to cover the roots well with soil. Once the plant is planted, water it well.

How to grow kiwifruit from seed?

Growing kiwifruit from seed is not considered the best method of propagation, as the new plants will not be exactly the same as the plant from which you obtained the seed. Therefore, taking softwood cuttings in spring is a much more reliable method of growing an existing variety. However, planting kiwifruit from seed is how growers create new cultivars, so it can be fun.

Start by removing the pulp and separating the seeds. You may be able to remove and rinse them easily, but a reliable method is to put the pulp in a blender with water and blend for a few seconds. The seeds should be easy to separate and rinse in a colander.

Sprinkle the seeds on a tray with moist sand and cover them with a plastic lid, or spread them on a damp paper towel, which should then be placed in a clear zip-lock bag in a warm place. Seeds should germinate in about two weeks.

Transfer germinated seeds to small pots containing a well-drained substrate mix. If you use the paper towel method, you can tear and plant small pieces to avoid disturbing the seedlings. After 3 or 4 months, the plants harden off and you can plant them outside in larger pots or in the garden. If it is winter, it is best to wait until spring to do this.

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