This is the method you must follow to plant avocados in pots and be successful.

If you think it is impossible to have an avocado tree inside your home, you are wrong. Below, we will explain how.


Avocado trees originated in Mexico and have been cultivated for centuries, long before America was colonized. Its pear-shaped fruits are a nutrient-rich and delicious food that many love. These trees are warm season plants, which can be easily damaged during the cold of winter. Knowing this, planting an avocado plant and keeping it indoors seems to be an excellent idea.

However, it should be considered that avocado trees can reach up to 24 meters in height and many wonder if these trees can be grown in pots indoors. The simple answer to this question is yes. In fact, there are several dwarf varieties, which can be ideal. Here are the best tips for planting avocados in pots and if you want to expand your indoor garden, you can try
growing Aloe vera in containers

Planting avocados in containers

Growing avocado in pots is fun and easy. Start by digging a hole in the substrate of a preferably unglazed terracotta pot that is at least 25 cm wide and twice as deep. It is advisable to use a potting mix with compost mixed with sand to obtain a loose, fast-draining composition. Now place the avocado seed that you previously germinated and has 3 to 5 leaves.

avocado planting

To germinate the seed and obtain the seedling that you are going to transplant to the pot, you must put it beforehand in a container with water in a lighted place, such as the kitchen window, to encourage healthy growth. Open the ripe avocado, remove the seed carefully, rinse slippery layer and do not remove the brown seed coat. Prepare a glass container where you will mount the seed until it grows roots and leaves. You can pierce the sides of the seed with three or four sticks that will hold the seed so that it does not sink in the water, managing to support it in the mouth of the container with the pointed end up. You must put enough water to submerge the underside of the seed. Change the water every day and make sure the bottom of the seed is submerged. Wait for the seedling to grow, which will take several weeks.

Growing avocados in pots that you will keep indoors requires that you provide a good amount of bright light. The plant will grow untidy without adequate light. If this occurs, you should remove excess growth at the beginning to promote the plant to develop stronger and thicker.

Take into consideration that indoor plants need cool nights to force flowering and fruiting. In addition, they can take up to ten years to reach the fruiting stage. You should also know that fruits obtained from potted plants do not taste as good as those enjoyed from commercially produced avocados.

How to care for the avocado tree

The right amount of watering and plenty of exposure to sunlight are the two most important factors in ensuring the successful growth of your potted avocado tree. Excessive watering can kill a tree, you can stick your finger in the soil and check the moisture content. If it feels dry and brittle, it’s time to water again. Leaf color is also a good indicator of moisture levels. If the leaves turn yellow, the tree is receiving too much water. If they turn brown at the tips, they probably lack irrigation.

An avocado tree deserves a special place in front of the sunniest window of the house. If summer temperatures permit, take it outside during this time, but be sure to have it back before winter. It is not necessary to fertilize during the first year of the tree’s life. It is recommended to do this after the first anniversary, twice a year.

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