The two ways to plant cacti to have them in your home or garden.

Indoors or outdoors, everyone wants to add a prickly friend to their garden collection.

Begin a journey into the magnificent desert ecosystem by planting a cactus. These easy-care indoor plants are perfect and make wonderful outdoor landscape plants. The best of all is that they resist low temperatures, so this plant adapts very well to the climate; therefore, wherever you are, you will be able to plant cacti. The key to this crop’s success is giving it the light, soil, water, and food it needs.

There are thousands of species of cactus plants in nature, which can be included in two major groups that are cultivated as indoor and outdoor plants: desert cacti and forest cacti. Both groups thrive with little maintenance and come in many sizes, with small to moderate varieties being the most popular. In addition, cacti can be grown individually in pots or as part of a garden display. If you want to accompany your cactus with a plant that not only looks great, but also offers a unique aroma, learn how to plant lavender.

Where to grow a cactus?

There are many cactus plants, including some that grow on trees. However, most people grow theirs outdoors in the garden or indoors. It is best to always read plant labels for specific details, but for the most part, cacti thrive in full sun and fast-draining soil. Indoors, this means growing near a south- or west-facing window.

how to plant cactus

When to plant a cactus?

If you are going to plant a cactus outdoors, try to do it from late spring to summer, when the plants are actively growing. They will take root more quickly and have an easier start.

How to plant a cactus outdoors?

Most cactus plants need light, well-drained soil. You can use a commercial substrate to help protect your plant against overwatering and underwatering, which can cause problems. Now dig a hole equal in depth and 1½ times wider than the root ball or stem.

Place the plant in the hole so that it “faces” north. In many nurseries, the front is marked with a flag or chalk; if not, be sure to ask before leaving the garden center. This is important because the southern side of the plant, which receives more sun, usually develops tougher skin that is more resistant to sunburn. On the other hand, the north side may not be able to handle the sun.

Fill around the root ball with different soil mix and gently pat down. Water lightly If you are planting a cactus grown in an outdoor greenhouse, cover it with some shade cloth for a couple of weeks to get it used to the strong outdoor sun.

How to plant a cactus indoors?

Select a pot that is 1½ times wider than the root ball or stem of the cactus. If your home is humid or you tend to overwater, you may want to choose an unglazed container, which will dry more quickly. Fill ⅓ of the pot with the ideal potting mix according to the cactus you purchased.

Place your cactus in the pot so that the stem or root ball is at the same depth as before transplanting. Wear gloves or use a thick layer of newspaper to protect your hands. Fill in around the root ball, leaving 2 centimeters between the top of the soil and the rim of the container. Water lightly until the soil is as moist as a sponge you squeezed out.

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