Learn how to plant rose cuttings with these 4 techniques

Rose cuttings can be planted in a traditional pot, a potato, plastic bag or tubes with water.


Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers and therefore one of the best gifts for women and men. Its delicate, magnificent and elegant appearance suggests that a rose bush is a supremely plant a rose bush is a supremely complicated task. However, this is a myth and the cheapest and most practical way to have a garden full of roses is by cuttings.

Unlike seeds, rose cuttings are a technique widely used by gardening enthusiasts. It also allows the cultivation of difficult to obtain varieties of the plant and wild roses.

What is a rose cutting?

Rose cuttings are stems cut from a rose bush from which roots grow once they are planted. In order for a cutting to give rise to another plant, not just any branch can be taken; the one chosen must be semi-mature and have a length between 15 and 20 centimeters.

planting rose cuttings in traditional pots

They should also have some sprouts and be harvested in spring or autumn. If you want to plant spring rose cuttings, choose branches that are almost a year old. If you prefer those of autumn season, make sure that the stems are mature and are from the same year.

How to plant rose cuttings?

To plant roses by cuttings, the first thing to do is to cut the tip of the stem or the top diagonally above a bud. For the lower part you should make a horizontal cut.

You must remove all the leaves and clean the branches well. If you wish to improve the quality of the cutting, do not hesitate to remove part of the lower bark of the branch.

Another alternative to improve root development is to make a small cut in the stem to facilitate capillarity. Finally, do not hesitate to use growth hormones after planting the cutting.

Once you have carried out the steps mentioned above, you can proceed to plant your cutting using one of the 4 methods presented below:

Traditional Method

The traditional way of planting cuttings requires a pot with substrate, a temperature between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius, no direct sunlight and high humidity. The above-mentioned temperature and humidity conditions must be maintained regardless of the method you use.

Regarding the substrate, it must be rich in peat and if you wish you can buy a specific one for cuttings. Before planting, try to wet the substrate and add rooting agent.

In hot weather , it is recommended to cover the plant to prevent it from losing humidity, as well as to water it constantly. For those who wonder if it is possible to plant directly in the garden soil, the answer is yes, but you must choose a place that has shade.

Planting cuttings in potatoes

You must prepare the cutting following the instructions we gave you at the beginning, with the difference that the cuttings are planted or rather stuck in potatoes.

This method ensures that moisture will not be lacking and the cutting will be able to feed on the properties of the potato. Once the roots have emerged, the stem should be planted in soil.

In hydroponics

This technique uses water, so you will have to make a cut at the bottom to facilitate capillarity. Planting cuttings in this way requires the use of special tubes and a peat preparation so that moisture can be absorbed quickly.

In addition, rooting hormones and constant humidity are important. Be careful not to overhydrate the cutting so that it does not rot.

In plastic bags with substrate

The typical pot is replaced by a plastic bag, creating a mini greenhouse. When the cuttings take root and have their first leaves you can plant them in a large pot or directly in the garden.


Other options for planting a rose by cuttings

Professional gardeners are not usually very fond of propagating roses by cuttings, but for amateurs who are just starting out, this is a simple and economical method. So if you are starting out in the world of gardening and you are a lover of rose bushes, don’t miss this article.

A cutting is nothing more than a branch that is cut directly from the rose bush and planted with the intention that it will generate roots and you can enjoy new plants. The first step to take would be to choose the branch to be planted. Keep in mind that not just any branch will do, especially the oldest ones should be discarded.

How to choose rose cuttings

The best branches for rose cuttings should be chosen in August or early September from those located at the ends of the secondary branches, i.e. not very mature, with a diameter of 6 to 10 mm. The cutting should measure 15 to 20 cm and should be cut below the last leaf with a sharp tool. Attention, it is very important that before making the cut, you disinfect the blade of the tool to make sure it is free of germs.

How you should prepare rose cuttings

The cutting should be cut into two parts. In the upper area you should make a bevel or diagonal cut above a bud or sprout. While the cut of the lower part should be straight. Then you must remove the leaves, this is done to prevent the branches from transpiring and drying out.

There are those who prefer to remove the bark from the lower part of the branch or make a cut on it so that the roots can come out more easily, and those who decide not to touch it any more. If you cannot plant the cuttings on the spot, you can keep them for several days wrapped in damp newspaper.

Although it is not essential, you will have a much better chance of successful rooting of rose cuttings if you use cutting powder or hormones.

How to plant cuttings

We are going to tell you about four different methods that can help you reproduce roses by cuttings. What you should keep in mind is that no matter which one you choose, they should always be at a temperature between 18 and 21 °C, keep the substrate well humid and not receive direct sunlight.

The traditional method

This is none other than to use a pot with the right substrate. This should be a draining substrate that can be composed of equal parts of sand and mulch. Make a deep hole and insert the cutting compressing the substrate with your hand. It is then lightly watered.

Use hydroponics for your rose cuttings

The technique of hydroponics is becoming increasingly popular, as it involves growing crops without using soil. You have to get specific tubes that provide the right conditions for the cuttings to root. You must make a cut in the lower part to favor capillarity.

Propagate roses using potatoes

In this case you must prepare the cuttings as we have seen, but you will stick them in a potato. We can place the potatoes in the substrate. Proponents of this system claim that the potato not only provides nutrients to the rose bush, but also helps it to maintain a constant humidity.

Create a mini-greenhouse with plastic bags

With this system we plant the cutting in the substrate, directly in the soil or in a pot as in the first point. But when we have it ready we cover it with a plastic bag that allows the light to pass until the first leaves come out and we can move it to a bigger pot.

Advantages and disadvantages of propagating a rose bush by cuttings

Like everything in life, this method of rose reproduction has advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of. Among the first ones we can mention the economy of the method. Not only will you get a plant similar to the original, but it is a good method for you as a novice to reproduce difficult roses,

Among the disadvantages, you should bear in mind that roses grown from cuttings are generally less resistant, so their average life span is shorter. In addition, they take longer to flower and flower less profusely.

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