Fill your space with a relational scent by planting lavender.

Try planting lavender in your garden at home, it grows very well in pots or in the ground and smells great


Lavender commonly grown in gardens is recognized in the botanical world as Lavandula officinalis. Its main requirements are plenty of suns and good drainage, i.e. it is not fussy about soil, and its presence attracts bees, butterflies and other garden pollinators. You can plant lavender along a walkway. It can be cut to form a low hedge around the plants you planted in your garden or form an aromatic border along a pathway near a sitting area or in pots, as it also grows very well in containers.

Lavender is a perennial, shrubby, strongly scented herb grown for its flowers. Its spikes of a beautiful characteristic colour rise above its greyish foliage and have a strong scent. Undoubtedly, it is a landscape element because of its beauty and ability to withstand heat and drought. But not only is it a beautiful garden plant, it also has culinary and medicinal value. Here’s how to plant lavender in the garden. And if you also want to improve the whole space, find out how to plant couch grass with the most successful method.

What to do to plant lavender

First, you should know that it is important to plant lavender in a place that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day, i.e. in full sun. Lavender thrives in most soil qualities, from poor to moderately fertile, but it makes only one demand on the soil: it must drain well. Standing water and wet areas could encourage root rot. To improve drainage, you can amend clay or compacted soil with compost or aged manure.

planting lavender at home

This is the most commonly used lavender planting procedure.

Lavender is best planted from a young plant starting in spring, after the soil has warmed to at least 15 °C and the threat of frost has passed. If you plant lavender in the fall, choose larger plants with more establishment time to ensure their survival through the winter.

As a gardening enthusiast, it is not easy to grow from seed. We recommend buying small starter plants from a garden nursery or taking a softwood cutting from an existing plant. Seeds can germinate for up to three months, and seedlings must overwinter indoors in cold climates. To start planting, follow the steps below:

Remember that lavender needs good drainage and air circulation. Do not overwater and allow the soil to dry out before watering again. When it is very hot and humid, fungi can attack the plants, turning the leaves brown. To minimize the possibility of such problems, cover with pebbles or sprinkle sand around the base of the plant for faster evaporation. If you cut the flowers, cut them, so the plant thins out a little, leaving it open for better air circulation.

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