The most creative ways to reuse plastic bottles

It's easy to recycle them in the yellow container, but there are alternative ways to reuse these bottles, check them out!


There is no doubt that recycling is very important, and we should do it with everything we can: paper and cardboard, packaging, glass, etc. by throwing them into their corresponding containers. However, plastic bottles can be recycled in other ways, as can bags made from the same material.

Obviously, since they are made of plastic, you can throw them in the yellow container if you don’t want to complicate things too much, but there are alternative ways to reuse these bottles that are worth knowing. You will see that you can use them in your home for many things!

How to reuse plastic bottles

When you have drunk all the contents of the bottle, be it water or soft drink, you can keep the bottle to do all kinds of things with it. The most noteworthy ones that may be the most useful for you are the following:

plastic bottles


Take as many plastic bottles as you want to make pots. It is best to use 1.5 liter bottles, so that the plant can have more space to grow and develop.

Make a rectangular cut on one side of the bottles and open some holes on the other side to create small ducts for the water to pass through, and thus water the soil that you will pour at the bottom. When you finish the process, you can place them on your terrace or in your garden if you have one.

Pencils and more containers

It doesn’t matter if the plastic bottles are transparent or opaque, because both can be used to make this craft. You can make all kinds of containers with plastic: pencil holders, flower pots and even very original gift wrapping.

Cut the bottle in half and decorate the bottom as you like. If you want to make wrapping paper, use the base and cut out the upper part in the form of flaps and then fold them over themselves. To finish the job, put the gift inside and use a ribbon to close the wrapping.


Believe it or not, making light with a plastic bottle is possible and it is really simple. The inhabitants of slums and in the poorest countries of the world apply this revolutionary method that will surely surprise you if you did not know about it before.

All you have to do is place a hard plastic bottle filled with water and bleach tightly in a hole you must have made earlier in your roof. Due to the 360-degree horizontal refraction achieved by the collision of the sun’s rays against the liquid, you get a light emission equivalent to that of a 55-watt light bulb, no more and no less… and with a plastic bottle!

If you are interested in discovering more crafts, since there are many more on the Internet, you are free to search on your own. You can also make fun toys, a very original feeder for your pet, a headboard for a lantern built from scratch … The important thing is that you know that a plastic bottle has a great potential that is highly recommended to exploit. Lots of encouragement!

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