How to shop at the shopping mall using your brain and not your emotions

Tips to avoid being misled by your emotions when shopping

How to shop at the shopping mall using your brain||


Shopping at the mall using the brain and not emotions is not only important from the point of view of saving and avoiding excessive spending, but also from good management of possessions, enhancing the necessary things and avoiding the unnecessary ones.

We review why buying with your head and not with emotions is important. Remember that this does not mean being against buying whenever necessary or providing added value.

What is shopping with your brain?

Buying with your head is a colloquial term that refers to making purchases rationally and in a meditated way. It is the right formula for approaching all types of shopping and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Why buy with your brain and not with your emotions?

Unnecessary or compulsive purchases are always made under the influence of emotions. Emotions prevent rationalizing the expense objective, which causes shopping not to be meditated in which neither the impact of the cost on the personal economy nor the real necessity of the purpose of the purchase is measured. In a meditated or rational purchase, the need for what you want to buy and the impact the expense will have on your finances will always be assessed.

How to shop during the sales

To shop wisely during the sales, you should remember that everything you buy that is not strictly necessary is excessive spending. Therefore, the best way to face the sales period to avoid buying impulsively is to be clear about your needs and stick to them.

Even when there is a great margin of expenditure for consumption, it is necessary to think if what is acquired in sales has utility or is only empty consumption.

How to buy clothes without getting emotional

The best way to buy without falling into emotions is to be clear about your needs and not make impulsive purchases. In the case of clothes, the best way is to be clear about the number of clothes we have, their condition, and the possible needs that may arise.

When clothes are acquired not only as a necessity but as part of consumption, it is important to have a monthly amount of money allocated. Buying clothes uncontrolled and without expense management can unbalance any budget.

How to buy food without making a mistake

Shopping, thinking about personal or family food, starts from the need to have a budget, which is also best when it is done at least weekly (and ideally monthly).

The budget will allocate money for spending on food and household needs. Subsequently, to adjust the shopping basket and based on that budget, can draw up menus. That means the need to shop in the supermarket or stores you go to is much more defined.

We can draw up a food list with a budget and a list of menus. The next step is shopping with a clear list and a closed budget. We should add some consumption margin; we can include a percentage deviation (e.g., 15%) for extra expenses in the budget.

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