The consequences of not clean your sheets

Mites, fungi and harmful microorganisms are harbored in the fabric fibers if they are not sanitized.

After a long and tiring day at work, the first thing we think of when we get home is to lie down to rest, take a nap, talk about the day with our partner or watch news and memes on our cell phones. However, in this place, we spend a third of our life, and bacteria appear as the days go by. Even some insects originating from sweat, dander, dust, and other agents lodge in sheets, comforters, pillows, and, if not cleaned, in the periodic bedding cleaning and sanitizing and disinfecting the mattress Make this place your new home!

Although every home has its habits and customs, experts in the field of cleaning and grooming say that it is vital to thorough disinfection of pillows every three months and that there is a time to change and wash the sheets and pillowcases to prevent the presence of mites, fungi that spread in the body – especially in wounds – and microorganisms harmful to health. Today we want to tell you what happens if bed linen is not washed regularly and what is the ideal regularity for good hygiene.

The exact time to wash your sheets and pillowcases in your bedroom

If you neglect the cleanliness of this part of the home, we regret to inform you that this will negatively affect your health in the medium and long term. One of them: is dust mites, microscopic insects that devour dead skin cells, reproduce and die in the very sheets where you sleep comfortably, generating allergies and even immune system failures.

how often to wash sheets

Another associated problem is eczema or dust irritations. If sheets and pillowcases are not washed, the risk of fungal and bacterial infections generated by moisture from sleeping sweat, saliva, and even urine becomes unavoidable.

How often should sheets be washed?

According to most professionals in the area, the adequate time between washing and laundering sheets is once a week. However, others recommend changing them twice or even three times a week, depending on factors such as sweat or the state of health we find ourselves in.

Many people replace them once a month, which is a blunder. Don’t forget that it is not advisable, especially if you sleep naked, sweat considerably, live with pets, have open wounds, are allergic, or suffer from a respiratory condition such as asthma.

Now, do you know how to wash and disinfect sheets correctly?

Whether you want to wash the sheets in a washing machine or by hand, it is recommended to wash them in hot water at a temperature between 40° to 60° C to eliminate germs and dust mites with the heat. But, before doing so, carefully check and read the label to identify the ideal treatment and washing instructions according to the material of manufacture, thus preventing accidental mistreatment of the fabric.

In addition to hot water, liquid or powder detergent will suffice for washing. And if there are makeup stains, moisture, or menstrual blood, mix baking soda, a little hydrogen peroxide, and a tablespoon of salt. Apply it to the stain and let it act for 30 minutes. When finished, wash them as usual.

Once you have finished washing the sheets, lay them in the sun for an hour to kill any traces of bacteria lodged in the fabric fibers.

And finally, remember that ventilation of the rooms is of great help, as it neutralizes bad odors, improves air quality, and reduces risks derived from airborne virus transmission. Every morning, shake, stretch and air your bedding. Take care of yourself and yours!

How to remove yellow stains from your linens

If you have yellow stains on your linens, there are a few things you can do to remove them.

First, you can try soaking the stained item in a mixture of water and bleach for a few hours; If that doesn’t work, you can try rubbing the stain with a mixture of water and vinegar. If neither of those options work, you can try using a commercial stain remover.

Choose white or light sheets.

White is a shade connected with harmony, tranquility, and health. It gives the perception of tidiness and freshness, which brings about a peaceful sleep when the evenings are rather cozy. Light sheets will always add an ambiance of serenity and deluxe to your space, which is why they are a hotel favorite. If plain white sheets do not persuade you, you can choose a touch of shade to liven up your bed.

Consider the sort of material.

The sort of material of the sheets is key to obtaining that fresh and pleasurable sensation in the hours of sleep. The method in which the threads are interwoven throughout the size and width of the loom is called weave, and there are several types. One of them is percale, which is woven by linking one thread above and one listed below to create a slim, flat, and light canvas with an amazing feeling, ideal for spring or summer.

The other is satin, which is made by passing three strings above and one below. It is a much heavier, softer, and shinier fabric than percale, yet also very helpful for heat, as it can manage body temperature.

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