9 things you should never wash in the dishwasher

There are a list of items you should NEVER put inside a dishwasher, because they can get ruined.

never wash in the dishwasher|things not to wash in dishwasher|

After preparing delicious recipes for your loved ones, the stressful moment of cleaning up and washing the dirty dishes and utensils that we leave behind can seem like an ordeal. Luckily, an appliance has saved us many times: the dishwasher. Admit it; sometimes you throw everything at it to save time and effort (and I do too).

It lightens the daily battle of hand-washing the mountain of dirty dishes and allows us to make the most of the precious hours spent behind the sink. However, despite being a magnificent ally in cleaning the kitchen, certain objects are not suitable for washing in this appliance. In this article, I want to explain which utensils and kitchenware you should not put in the dishwasher and why it is not advisable. I’m sure you didn’t know number 3!

Things NOT to wash in the dishwasher

Many skeptics believe that having a dishwasher is a waste of money and space, I came to think the same thing in the past, but now not a day goes by that I don’t wash dishes in it. And yes, it flows efficiently, helps save soap, time, and water, and you can even wash other non-kitchen items, but not all of them are suitable.

washing kitchen utensils dishwasher
washing kitchen utensils dishwasher

Generally, they include a mark indicating whether it is dishwasher safe ( dishwasher safe), but if it is not, you should keep the following utensils away from the dishwasher so that the moisture, detergent, and high temperature do not wear them out and shorten their useful life:

  1. Non-stick pots and pans: washing pans in the dishwasher is a terrible idea, as it would only take a few washes to get ruined and gradually lose their non-stick coating.
  2. Wood: Cutlery and knives with wooden parts, or utensils made of this material (pallets, ladles, boards). These objects risk cracking and losing their useful life in a few weeks due to hot water and constant humidity.
  3. Glassware: Dishwasher cycles can cause the glassware to lose its elegant transparency and luster. Although it is not forbidden, you should only select a delicate program at medium temperature and with less duration.
  4. Jars with labels: I know you love reusing these containers like me. However, before washing them in the dishwasher, it is advisable to remove the label, as they could peel off inside the dishwasher and clog the inner filter.
  5. Knives: If they are knives with plastic or pasta handles, there is no problem, but if they have wooden or tempered steel handles, forget it! Common detergents are aggressive and accelerate the appearance of rust, and wood is porous and will eventually bulge. Likewise, hot water takes the edge off the blade over time.
  6. Iron: Iron pots, bowls, or pans require an extensive curing process for the non-stick coating to form; therefore, cleaning should only be done by hand, with water and a soft scouring pad.
  7. Pressure cooker lids: Particles of the detergent powder used in this appliance could get into the pipes, and the rubber seals deteriorate in the blink of an eye.
  8. Enameled copper or aluminum: Pastry pans, teapots, Italian coffee pots, or any aluminum or copperware that is dishwasher safe is prone to developing dark stains caused by abrasive products and high temperatures.
  9. Hand-painted tableware: High temperatures can damage the paint, causing damage and even breakage when one piece accidentally rubs against another. Even so, if you want to wash them in it, ensure there is no risk of sudden movement and the temperature is lukewarm.

And remember: Saving time doesn’t always mean it’s best. Neglecting to wash your utensils properly causes them to deteriorate, and what once lasted for years will now take months to throw away. No more! You probably don’t think much about the dishwashing detergent you use if you’re like me. I take what’s on offer and hope for the best. But after using the wrong detergent, I learned it is important to choose wisely.

things not to wash in dishwasher

The importance of selecting the right dishwasher detergent

If you choose the wrong dishwasher detergent, your dishes will not come out clean, and you will lose money. In some cases, the wrong detergent may even damage the dishwasher. Here are some things to consider when choosing a dishwasher detergent:

How to choose the right dishwasher detergent

When choosing a dishwasher detergent, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you’re making the best choice for your needs. Here are some tips on how to choose the right dishwasher detergent:

How to save money by washing dishes in the dishwasher

Washing dishes in the dishwasher is more efficient than washing them by hand. Dishwashers use less water and energy than washing dishes by hand, and they get your dishes cleaner dishwashers use about one-sixth of the amount of water you would use if you washed your dishes by hand. They also use less detergent and disinfectant, which means they’re better for the environment.

Dishwashers use less water than washing dishes by hand, dishwashers use about one-sixth of the water you would use if you washed your dishes by hand. This means that dishwashers can save a lot of water over time, which is good for the environment and can save you money on your water bill.

Washing dishes in the dishwasher is more hygienic than washing them by hand. Dishwashers use hot water and steam to sanitize your dishes, which kills bacteria and other germs. This means that your dishes will be much cleaner if you wash them in a dishwasher rather than by hand.

Some dishwashers can consume a significant amount of electricity, especially if use them frequently or if washing cycles with high temperatures or hot air drying are selected. However, there are many ways to reduce the energy consumption of a dishwasher, such as choosing shorter or low-temperature washing cycles, using energy-saving options if available, and avoiding hot air drying if possible. In addition, there are many models of dishwashers that are energy-efficient and can help reduce the total electricity consumption: incline for the ones with an energy-efficient certification, and try to put them to work in hours of the day that rates are lower.


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