Tips for your plants after vacation

Tips plantas después verano

sol, plantas, vacaciones, tips, terraza llena de plantas con flores

Sun, holidays … but when we return home, surprise! Our plants are almost withered, with these tips that I bring you, your plants will shine in your home, since after the holidays is the ideal time to multiply and stimulate their growth, we can do it with Specific vitamins for each of our plants, either in the pots or in the planters where we have them planted.


We have to take into account, and this is very important, that some of our plants are indoor but do not need heat for maintenance, the ideal is that we water them regularly, but another solution for those who do not have time is to transplant the plants. plants to about clay pots and moisten the pots from time to time.


When our plants are already recovered, we can take advantage of to reproduce them, we will cut them some branches of about 10 cm., Then we will put them in a vase, pot or bottle with water until they grow roots and finally we will plant them in any pot that we have bought and we like it.


Source: Pinterest

If we have flowering plants, when we return from the holidays , we will proceed to remove all the leaves and dried flowers that they have, we will fertilize them a little and in this way we will extend their life; our plants will thank us by lengthening the flowering time.


Aromatic plants such as mint, basil, etc. that we have and we have left them on our terrace, clothesline, etc. when the cold arrives we will have to put them inside, we will put them in a place that has a lot of light but that does not give them the sun directly.

Source: Pic2viral

Autumn is here, and in the coming months we will have to make the most of the sunlight , since the days are getting shorter and shorter and when winter comes the days are gloomier and there is almost no sunlight, what you have to do is put our plants as close as possible to the windows, if you have shelves in your houses or some flowerpot with several levels they can be used to place them in a corner near the windows or near the terrace door; but if we are lucky enough to enjoy a clothesline or a glazed terrace in the living room, all our problems will have been solved since we can have our plants without problems and that they grow equally we will have to turn them from time to time.


We will only remind you that, in addition to decorating and coloring our house, they also renew the air, help us to flow energy, as we already indicated in one of our posts: “NASA conducted a study to find out which are the best plants to filter the air we breathe in our homes, offices, etc. ”


I hope that I have helped you with the “home” problems that we may encounter when we get home after our long-awaited and well-deserved vacation days.

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