Amazon Sets Up “Pickup Point” in Busy Los Angeles Street, Then Chaos Ensues

Amazon thought this was gonna save them money, but actually costed them thousands in merchandising.

Amazon made a terrible decision with this pick-up point in Los Angeles.|This Amazon pick up point became a total mayhem in a few seconds.

Amazon made a business decision that cost it dearly, even though it was designed to save money. The idea of the global online retail company believed that establishing a single package pick-up point in a popular neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, would save them fuel by traveling fewer miles in their delivery vans.

But chaos erupted when the first van arrived, packed with packages that should be picked up by its buyers. Remember that it is a single pick-up point, so those who bought those items, have to take their car and move to the pick-up point. It’s not an Amazon store but is a random point next to a sidewalk, in South Los Angeles. No one knows why Amazon chose this place, but it seems to have been a bad decision.

Amazon Made a Bad Decision and Was the Victim of Theft

The Amazon van was approached by dozens of people, who surrounded it and forced the doors open. Several unidentified people are seen in a viral Reddit video taking boxes randomly, without even knowing what was inside them.

amazon pick up point theft chaos
This Amazon pick up point became a total mayhem in a few seconds.

After the images were spread on Reddit, they immediately went viral on other social networks such as Twitter, Instagram and TikTok, but it is not known exactly where the collection point is that caused this stir. The truth is that, far from saving you fuel, the idea cost the company founded by Jeff Bezos thousands of dollars.

Even an unidentified woman, wearing a blue sweater, who we don’t know if she is an Amazon employee, is seen trying to dissuade people to stop stealing. But, she ends up lying on the floor and an unscrupulous individual stole her purse.

Amazon Pick-up Points, Not a Great Idea

Amazon Pickup Points are physical locations where customers can collect their Amazon packages instead of having them delivered to their home. This service is convenient for people who are not often at home to receive their packages or who prefer not to have them delivered to their home.

Some Amazon Pickup Points are located in the middle of the street to make them more accessible to customers. By placing the Pickup Point in a central location, customers can easily drop by on their daily commute or when running errands. This is also part of Amazon’s effort to reduce the environmental impact of delivery services by encouraging customers to use a central location for pickup rather than having individual packages delivered to their homes. However, the placement of some Pickup Points in busy areas has caused concerns about traffic congestion and safety.

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