How to avoid catching a cold in winter and stay healthy

Winter's here, and you have to follow a couple advices to stay healthy and with a strong immune system.

Stay healthy and flu-free in the fall and winter. |How to avoid catching a flu in the winter.

Winter is a time when many people experience a decay in their immune system, which makes them more prone to colds and other health problems. However, there are measures that can be taken to improve the immune system and prevent colds during the winter. Below are some tips that can help keep the immune system in good shape during winter.

Winter itself and alone, does not increase the chances of catching a cold in itself, but it can contribute to it in several ways. During the winter, people tend to spend more time indoors with others, which can facilitate the spread of respiratory viruses. In addition, the cold and dry winter weather can dry out the mucous membranes, which can weaken the immune system and make people more prone to catching a cold. Therefore, although winter itself does not increase the chances of catching a cold, it can contribute to it in various ways.

How to stay healthy in the winter season

First of all, stay always hydrated. It is important to drink enough water throughout the day to help keep the immune system in good shape. Eat nutrient-rich foods, specially fruits and vegetables that have the most water, and those that add vitamin C to your body. If you are not consuming enough nutrients through the diet, you may want to consider taking supplements to strengthen your immunity. There’s multivitamin pills, for example, the Centrum Adults multivitamin supplement, for sale in retailers like Costco.

get the flu avoid winter
How to avoid catching a flu in the winter.

Exercise on a regular basis, because daily exercise can help improve overall health and strengthen the immune system. Avoid stress: it can weaken the immune system, so it is essential to look for ways to reduce stress in daily life. Consider having a stationary bike, like the Exerpeutic upright folding bike, or a couple of ProForm neoprene dumbbells you can use in the middle of your daily activities at home or at work.

Getting enough sleep is key to a holistic good health, and it can also help strengthen the immune system. Wash your hands frequently, so you will stop bacteria and viruses to spread easily.

How many people catch a cold on winter?

It is difficult to accurately determine how many people get the flu in the United States each winter due to the variety of factors that can influence the infection rate. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), on average, 5% to 20% of the US population gets ill every year.

However, this figure can vary significantly from year to year, depending on the virulence of the circulating flu virus strain and the effectiveness of the flu vaccine.

As in the United States, it is difficult to exactly find out how many people catches a cold in Canada each winter, but according to Canada’s Ministry of Public Health, on average, 5% of the Canadian population gets the flu every year.

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