Costco Recalls one of its Products to Prevent Accidents in New Jersey

Which product has CostCo withdrawn from sale and what are the reasons?


The Costco chain of stores is distributed throughout the United States, offering its customers a wide variety of products of all kinds. We are not only talking about groceries or home accessories. We are also referring to other products that can be useful for practicing certain sports, for example, paddle surfing. In this case, the product withdrawn from the market is the inflatable paddle boards that until now were on sale.

This time, we are not talking about a food product in poor condition that has not passed safety control. We are referring to an essential accessory for practicing a sport, in this case, paddle surfing. This particular product has been purchased by many consumers and has had manufacturing flaws that could lead to an accident for Costco consumers.

What paddle boards have Costco recalled?

There have been several paddle boards that Costco has been forced to recall for the safety of its customers. We are talking about the Body Glove inflatable tandem paddle boards, ULI’s Inventor inflatable paddle boards, ULI’s Zettian inflatable supyaks, and ULI’s Lila inflatable supyaks. These boards are hybrid and combine the paddle board and kayak board into one product. By now, 13,300 of these boards have been recalled.


The main reason for recalling all these products from the market is a major flaw has been observed in their manufacturing. The glue that joins the seams of the inflatable is too weak, so it could peel off and break while the consumer is practicing his favorite sport. That could endanger their health and physical integrity, causing a serious accident that could have been avoided if the product were properly secured.

Three official cases in which they have deflated unexpectedly

So far, there have been three official cases in which they have deflated unexpectedly, as in the case of the ULI Lila inflatable Supyak. To avoid accidents, Costco advises you to immediately stop using this type of product and return them to your nearest Costco store as soon as possible. This way, consumers will receive a refund of the money they invested in the defective product.

The start of the sale of these products varies from case to case. Regarding the Body Glove boards, these were put on the market from December 2021 until July 2022, costing $630. In the case of ULI boards, these were added to the Costco catalog between July 2021 and July 2022 for $700 and $800. Therefore, we should know that the defective products were put on sale from December 2021 to July 2022 in the US. If we did purchase any of these products on those dates, we should contact Costco or the official distributor, Surf 9.

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