Did you know that garlic helps improve memory in this curious way?

garlic improves memory microbiota

Garlic is a food that helps us to improve many functions of our body. First of all, it is a product that has antibiotic properties so it allows us to fight against many types of infections and helps us to strengthen the immune system.

But it also has anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural detoxifier so it is useful for eliminating toxins that accumulate in our body.

All these properties of garlic are well known but, what you may not know, is that it can also help you to improve your brain capacities. Especially memory but also other psychological processes that are affected during aging.

If you want to know how garlic improves your memory we advise you to read on as you will probably be very surprised.

Garlic helps your memory in this curious way

Garlic is a product that has many useful properties for our organism, as well as the benefits of onion . That is why it is interesting to use it on a regular basis to cook and accompany our dishes.

One of its main advantages is that it helps to improve cardiovascular health by regulating triglycerides and cholesterol.

Butdid you know that garlic also helps your memory? And it does so in a way you might not expect: through the bacteria in your gut.

Garlic contains a substance called allyl sulfide that helps to protect precisely those bacteria found in the body’s microbiota, which is directly related to our cognitive abilities and can have a considerable influence on them.

This implies that garlic helps us to maintain a balanced and healthy microbiota, which affects the functioning of some brain functions, including memory. We could say, therefore, that it helps us to prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease.

How should we consume garlic?

Consuming garlic is not too difficult as it allows us to add flavor to a multitude of dishes such as stews, soups, etc. We can even eat it roasted on its own if we like its strong flavor.

But do you know the best way to consume it?

The truth is that, if we want to get the most out of its nutrients, it should be consumed completely raw. The cooking of this ingredient in any of its formats can cause the loss of some of the product’s properties, so in most cases it is recommended to eat it completely raw and on an empty stomach.

As you can see garlic can be beneficial not only for your memory but for many other functions of your body so we encourage you to start incorporating it into your diet regularly.

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