Harvard issues a clear warning about chia consumption

Experts recommend consuming this superfood after being soaked in some liquid.

Chia seeds have been valued as a superfood whose consumption has been recommended by nutrition and alternative medicine professionals, as they are considered important sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, calcium, fatty acids such as omega 3 and antioxidants .

Despite the many benefits that have been attributed to them for years, researchers at Harvard University have issued a major warning. And if you are wondering what is this contraindication recently found in these seeds and why you should pay attention to it, take a look at this new article.

What is chia and why is it important?

Chia is a superfood with a long history whose benefits are now known to all. Basically, they are small seeds suitable for human consumption that come from a plant called Salvia Hispanica . They grow mainly in countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Australia, Argentina and Mexico, and belong to the same family as mint.

Chia Seeds

They are highly valued for their medicinal components, which have a positive impact on people’s health, provided they are consumed properly. They have been recognized for reducing appetite and controlling weight, but have also gained notoriety for lowering triglycerides and optimizing blood sugar levels.

Harvard’s contraindications regarding chia

Despite the multiple medicinal attributes of chia seeds, Harvard experts have found in this food an important contraindication, which, after its clear revelation, has generated a lot of commotion.

To learn exactly what generated this discovery, we will go all the way back to the case report that was presented in 2014 directly at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology .

The paper gave details of one person who after eating from the chias and drinking a glass of water, the seeds quickly spread into organs such as the esophagus. This generated a blockage that warranted an urgent visit to the hospital.

Specialists’ warnings

In view of the difficulty presented by the patient for having consumed chia “improperly”, nutrition specialists at Harvard University dared to give some recommendations. These are:

So, how should you eat chia seeds?

Harvard has also made useful recommendations for eating chia seeds properly and without direct health impacts. These are:

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