Revolutionize Your Room Redecoration with the IKEA Kreativ App

How to use Ikea's new redecorating app

Ikea app redecorating rooms|Ikea Decorating Room

Ikea has launched a new mobile application called IKEA Kreativ. This app allows us to visualize a room in our house with different furniture and designs. The goal is to see how specific designs would look before starting a new decoration. Often, not having a visual plan of how we want to decorate the spaces in our home makes the result not as we expected.

The Swedish furniture giant Ikea has quite clear objectives. One of them is to make things even easier for its customers. For this reason, it has launched IKEA Kreativ so that all users can check which design could fit better in their homes. This application has virtual reality so we can see the designs of spaces in 3D. In addition, it has a machine learning technology that will make it much easier to use.

Get Inspired and Redecorate with Ease Using the IKEA Kreativ App

With this Ikea application, we can redesign a space in our home in 3D without spending a penny in the process. Please take a photo of the room, enter it into the application, and then look at the designs. Ikea Kreativ has more than 50 3D showrooms. Through the catalogue, we can add the products we want ourselves, and it’s as simple as that.

New Ikea app for redecorating rooms
Ikea Decorating Room

In terms of decoration, this innovation has been designed by the Ingka Group, and we can access it from the Ikea app itself. AI intelligence can eliminate existing furniture in the photo we take of the room in question and then interactively add the pieces of furniture we want to the image. We can access Ikea Kreativ from our own smartphone or from a PC or tablet to have a larger view.

This new interactive decoration option is expected to be widely used among its customers. Comfortably and sitting on the sofa, we can change the living room’s decoration in just a few minutes, thanks to artificial intelligence. In addition, the company also offers us to choose the designs of pre-furnished rooms to get an idea of how we want to decorate.

Another way to decorate without leaving home

As we have already mentioned, we can choose any room in our home to remodel from Ikea Kreativ. Ikea spokespeople say this application works best with bedrooms and living rooms. In them, it is possible to add anything: from furniture for the TV, shelves, cushions, carpets, etc. Once we have finished designing the room, we can save the design and the products used in the wish list. Once again, technological advances make our lives easier and do not save time and effort. That is time for home decoration.

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