IKEA’s bathroom accessory that leaves your shower screen clean

This gadget leaves corners, windows and floors spotless. It is highly effective as a bathroom cleaning tool.

The Swedish company IKEA has sold an object whose task is to clean your shower screen effortlessly. It is a kind of cleaner made of silicone that has a hanger with which you can put this instrument in an accessible area of the bathroom. It is always recommended to have it at hand to avoid going to another place in the house to get it.

The mechanism to follow is not very mysterious. Once you have taken a shower, wipe it on, and you will remove all the dirt, limescale and water contained in the screen after showering. It is advisable to pass it through because it leaves a speck of land that is difficult to erase in the long run.

This cleaner from IKEA leaves different parts of the house spotless.

Corners, windows, and floors will benefit from this cleaning kit that costs less than $20. The bathroom is the most difficult area to clean in the house, and the partition is noticeable when it is not properly cleaned. As one of the most eye-catching and shiny elements, dirt is often left behind that is not easy to see.

If it is one of the first screens that came out, you can opt for the trick of pouring ammonia, alcohol, and water and spraying the screen’s surface and rails. If you are dealing with glass partitions, vinegar is the best thing you can use for this type of area. You must put it in a can and spray the area with the spray. If there are real limescale problems, you must apply two tablespoons of baking soda to the vinegar. This deep cleansing will take a little longer: 30 minutes.

Ikea Bulkhead Cleaner
Ikea Bulkhead Cleaner

Other types of partition devices

If this Ikea option does not convince you, which is undoubtedly sweeping the market, you can buy several other items online at a good price. In addition to manual window cleaners, electric window cleaners are now also available. With this type of article, in 20 seconds, you can have your screen clean without making a great effort. These are usually small, practical, and easy to carry and handle, and in addition, it has a product sprayer thanks to their automatic spray. This is another great option that you can’t pass up. In any case, Ikea has once again succeeded with this screen cleaner, which is a cheap, practical and effective option.

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