Who Qualifies for $1,750 in Property Tax Rebates?

New Jersey's ANCHOR Program Delivers Property Tax Relief to Residents

Who Qualifies for $1,750 Property Tax Rebates

Who Qualifies for $1,750 Property Tax Rebates

Numerous New Jersey residents have recently benefited from property tax relief payments through the ANCHOR program, introduced by Governor Phil Murphy on October 11. With an effective tax rate of 2.23%, the highest in the nation according to the Tax Foundation, New Jersey faces significant tax challenges. As part of the ANCHOR program, the majority of senior homeowners have been granted $1,750, while older renters have received $700.

The state of New Jersey extends various benefits to qualifying homeowners and tenants. One such program is the Property Tax Reimbursement, also known as the Senior Freeze, designed for homeowners aged 65 or older or those receiving Federal Social Security disability benefits, including owners of mobile homes in mobile home parks.

Who is eligible for the NJ tAX rebate check?

Applicants should have paid property taxes on their primary residence in New Jersey, either directly or through mobile home park fees. They must be residents of New Jersey for the past decade, residing in the claimed home for at least the last three years. Meeting specific income limits and requirements for both the base year and reimbursement year is essential.

Another benefit for eligible homeowners and tenants is the FAIR Rebate program. To qualify, applicants must have occupied their primary residence in New Jersey on October 1, paid property taxes directly or through rent, and maintained a gross income not exceeding $200,000 (homeowners) or $100,000 (tenants) for the entire year.

Individuals aged 65 or older or with disabilities who own homes can receive a minimum rebate of $500, up to a maximum of $1,200 (not exceeding actual property tax payments). Homeowners under 65 and not disabled are eligible for a minimum of $300, up to a maximum of $350 (limited to the amount of property taxes paid).

Likewise, tenants aged 65 or older or with disabilities qualify for a minimum rebate of $150, up to a maximum of $825. Tenants under 65 and not disabled are entitled to a $75 rebate.

For additional details on these programs and application procedures, individuals can contact the NJ Division of Taxation General Tax Information at 1-609-826-4400 or 1-800-323-4400, inquire with the Homestead Rebate Program Information at 1-877-658-2972, or visit the New Jersey Division of Taxation website.

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