Target Has the Electric Fireplace That Looks Like a Real One

Target helps you sstay warm and feel like if you are sitting in front of an actual fireplace

Realistic electric fireplace from Target. |Costway 20'' Freestanding Electric Fireplace Heater Stove W/ Realistic Flame Effect

Fireplaces are a great option to keep your home warm and cozy during the cold winter. Beside providing warmth, they also add a touch of elegance and style to any space. I think you could imagine yourself having a hot chocolate in front of a nice, cracking fireplace while reading your favorite book. There are many types of fireplaces available, from wood-burning to electric, each with its own pros and cons. Your home will be more comfortable than ever.

Electric fireplaces are easy to use and do not require maintenance, while wood-burning ones add an old aroma and a more cozy atmosphere. But there’s one that mixes the best of both worlds in one, and it’s discounted at Target.

Target Has the Electric Space Heater That Looks Like an Actual Fireplace

With a realistic flame effect that can be appreciated from three directions, this Costway 20” freestanding electric fireplace creates a warm and cozy atmosphere to enjoy with your family and friends. It’s actually so potent, it can heat of up to 700 cubic feet (20 m³) with its 1400 watts of power. That means that the room will be filled with warmth in no time.

Target - Costway frestanding electric fireplace
Costway 20” Freestanding Electric Fireplace Heater Stove W/ Realistic Flame Effect, from Target.

The operation panel is convenient and allows turning on and off the fireplace and adjust the temperature from 68 °F to 95 °F with two buttons and a temperature control. The elegant and retro design fits perfectly into any interior space, such as the study, living room or bedroom.

Assembly is necessary, but only the leg parts need to be installed. It’s so easy to assemble, anyone can do it with no effort at all. The instruction is easy to follow for proper operation of the fireplace.

The fireplace is CSA certified and has protection against overheating, which makes it safe and efficient. Don’t wait any longer and get our freestanding 20″ electric fireplace for a warm and cozy winter!

Combine Your New Heater With These Tips to Keep Your Home Warm

There are several ways to keep a house warm in winter, beside installing an electric heater you’ve got at Target. First, make sure you have good insulation in your home, including sealed doors and windows to prevent heat from escaping. Also, use thick and (or) thermal curtains to help retain heat inside the house and prevent the cold to come in.

Another tip is to maintain a constant temperature at home throughout the day. This means avoiding opening doors and windows frequently and maintaining a stable Finally, make sure to maintain good ventilation in your home to prevent moisture accumulation. From time to time, you are gonna be forced to change the air by opening a couple windows to let some free air get in.

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