Walmart customer shared the secret to get more berries for less money, and the controversy sparkled on TikToker: Is he shoplifting?

You've been buying your berries wrong all these years, or at least that's what this TikToker said on a video and the debate went big.

TikTok Viral: The Walmart Berries Controversy.|TikTok Strawberries Viral Hack at Walmart: Genius or plain theft?

TikTok is full of hacks and tricks for all kinds of housework, from cleaning and home decoration to food preservation. But, the latest viral one is leaving everyone speechless because many have realized that they have been buying their berries incorrectly for years. And when you see how simple this trick is, you’re also going to say, “Why have I never done it before?” Or you could conclude that this guy might be shoplifting: it’s up to you.

The video by TikToker @its_shelf has had more than 72,000 views and 7,000 comments, and it starts by showing the Walmart shopper taking a pack of strawberries from the fridge and, apparently, he thought he had very little quantity. Then, he took another pack, opened it, and poured the strawberries into the first one. Why? Well, his logic has generated a discussion on TikTok, with one group of people saying he’s a thief and others treating him as a genius.

‘Why have I never done this’: TikToker does this at Walmart and customers are debating over it

According to @its_shelf, Walmart charges per pack and not per kilo as for the berries, so he didn’t email take the contents of one pack and put it inside another pack to fill it, because in the ones he shows they seem to be only half full. Immediately, some TikTokers came out to back him up: “Yep, I do the same thing now lol,” one TikToker wrote. “I pick my favorites all into one, also,” another user said.”

TikTok Walmart Strawberries Viral Hack
TikTok Strawberries Viral Hack at Walmart: Genius or plain theft?

“I have seen an old lady open them up and pick out the best ones for her case,” was another comment. “I want to do this every time but too many eyes on me,” a woman called Ashley stated. “I always take out grapes and add them to other bags, so I don’t pay for what I won’t eat,” Tiktoker Sammeh added. “Omg. Why have I never thought of this?.” Dyrce remarked, summarizing what most of the comments say.

Other TikTokers said this is simply shoplifting: What do you think?

Not all users agreed that this is an honest thing. Some people criticized it, saying that it was a plain and simple theft. “Just grab 2 containers and go to register. Then scan one, but place both in your grocery bag. No different,” user Jeannine Williamson criticized.

TikToker Fab Fergie explained that the price is per pound, so, you’re really only supposed to have 1 lb of strawberries in the container. If you add more and pay for just 1 lb, then you’re stealing.

Some went even further: “Suddenly the comment section is filled with ignorant people. Almost like they want to ignore the actuality of it being theft.” Then there’s this guy Richard that said: “This is definitely stealing. You pay for the weight listed on the package. If you fill it up too much, then you’re getting more than the weight, so you’re a thief.”

What do you think? Is this a genius hack, or just shoplifting? The decision is up to you. Watch out, because this kind of behavior could end up in criminal charges in some US states, and Walmart’s loss-prevention officers will not hesitate to call the police if needed.

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