Incredible handicrafts with beer or soda can rings to recycle them

Few people are aware of the potential of drinking can rings


Most people think that rings are only used to open cans and that’s it, so they are unaware of the great amount of things that can be done with them. Apart from recycling them together with the packaging from which they were extracted, you can use them for much more.

If you are good at crafts, you can create all kinds of accessories and objects just by using the rings of cans if you accumulate them in your home . If you want to know what you can do with them, here is everything you need to know.

How to reuse can rings

If you are resourceful, you can come up with some great craft ideas with the rings. However, if you can’t think of any, we’ll give you a few. If you don’t feel like it, at least recycle them: don’t throw them in the general trash.

can rings

Russian Matryoshkas

The shape of the rings is ideal for making fun matryoshkas. You can play with the shape of the two holes to turn them into the doll’s face and body. If you want her to have a fat build, use the larger hole to make her body; and if you want her to be thin and big-headed, do it the other way around.

To make this doll in a tin ring, you can use all the materials you want and allow you to do it. We recommend using small buttons, because they fit very well in the holes and you can paint them or tune them as you like after placing them.


If you collect enough tin rings, you can even create your own original light source for your room. At a minimum, you should gather approximately 100 to 150 to shape a great minimalist lamp.

You just have to join the rings with a wire and let your imagination run wild when it comes to building it. In one afternoon you can have a lamp ready that will impress your guests very positively. Leave them with their mouths open!


You can also create your own headband using this material. This way, you will have a unique accessory that you can decorate as you like once you have it finished. You will need a headband base, 34 or 35 rings, a thread of your choice, a needle and a crochet hook.

First, wash and dry the rings thoroughly. Please note that this accessory will be worn in your hair. Then, knit 3 half stitches in the round part of the ring. Put the next ring on from the middle of the first one, and knit 3 half stitches again, joining them together. Repeat the process until all the rings are on the headband. Finally, weave all the way around y… done!

You can find many more crafts and works of art that can be made only with tin rings on the Internet.So feel completely free to look for one on your own if you are not convinced by any of the ones we have presented in this article. Lots of encouragement if you dare to make one!

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