Sore throat: home remedies

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This annoying pain makes us not feel like eating, talking, we are not even calm when we sleep or at work. The general discomfort that a sore throat causes us, either in summer (due to the sudden changes in temperature associated with air conditioners) or in winter, this ailment haunts us throughout the year.
It is usually a symptom of a cold , the flu or even some other more worrisome disease such as tonsillitis and even infectious mononucleosis. If you suffer any symptoms such as fever, joint pain or throat inflammation, I advise you to go to the specialist so that he can give you the best treatment to follow. But to recover before and relieve the discomfort caused by colds, flu, angina, etc. We can try some of these remedies that my grandmother Patro and my mother Martina used.

Tablespoon of honey:

Honey helps us to fight infections by helping us destroy the microbes that cause them. It also fights a dry cough by softening the throat, if we take a teaspoon by leaving it in our mouth and we swallow it little by little as if it were a candy.

Source: Pixabay


Broths and soups:

Any homemade broth or soup With “substance” as “La Martina” says (the one we buy ready-made is not worth it), in my family we are in favor of making it from chicken (more substance and vitamins according to her) although it also makes it from meat and chicken with vegetables, never consume vegetable purees that contain tomato due to the acidity it provides. This will always calm us while providing us with food to recover earlier.

Source: Pixabay


Lemon with honey. This remedy is very popular. We will heat water in a cup and add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of La Alcarria honey , for me one of the best honeys in the world, we will swirl it until the honey is completely melted; It will be then when we drink it.
Multifloral. We make a herbal tea with a mixture of thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus, mallow or mallow flower (one of its qualities is to relieve the throat and cough) and oregano (it helps us to expectorate), we let it rest covered for about 3 minutes and we we take sweetening it with honey.

Source: Pixabay

Staying hydrated:

It is essential to drink a lot of fluids (water of the season, never cold to avoid our throat suffering) when we are constipated, since it helps us to be hydrated (we will never drink drinks with diuretic effects) and on the other hand all liquids make the mucous membranes increase in humidity so that sensation that we have of sore throat and irritation will visibly mitigate it.

Source: Pixabay

Warm compresses on the throat:

It will also greatly relieve a sore throat if we put a small towel or men’s handkerchief dipped in a medium-hot chamomile infusion (each person has the sensation of cold-heat differently), we will put it on the side of the throat that we have more discomfort, we will leave it until it cools down, this operation can be repeated as many times as we want. We will see that with this method the inflammation can go away little by little since with the heat the blood vessels widen, improving the circulation of the blood stream.
Another method recommended by my daughter Beatriz’s pediatrician (she had continuous bronchitis when she was little) is wet a handkerchief or a large gauze in one part of alcohol for two of water (if we use a large gauze with the syrup measuring cups, it is two measures of water to one of alcohol). He wore it at night and the next day it would improve a lot.



Apple vinager. We will gargle with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of warm water, we can repeat it every hour and a half.
Thyme. We will put water and a teaspoon of dry thyme coffee in a saucepan, bring it all to a boil, let it rest for about two minutes, straining it and then gargle with this infusion, remember that thyme one of its qualities is to be antiseptic, helping us to calm the pain. To this infusion we can add half a squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of honey; We can drink it as if it were an infusion.
Salt. In a glass of warm water we will add two teaspoons of salt, we will dissolve it completely and then we will gargle three times a day for 30 seconds. We must be careful when we do these gargles since the mucous membranes would dry out and we would achieve the opposite of what we are looking for. It is very important not to swallow this mixture!
We can also make them with sodium bicarbonate, which helps alleviate discomfort and disinfect the area of the throat that we have inflamed.
My mother, “La Martina”, who is very brave and daring, makes them by mixing hot water with half a tablespoon of salt, half of bicarbonate and a splash of vinegar . It is terrible, but on the contrary you feel a lot of relief when you gargle and you get the inflammation of the throat to disappear in a short period of time.


Take candy:

Everyone knows the candies and dragees that exist in pharmacies for the relief of the discomfort caused by a cold and a cold in the throat, but to alleviate the small discomfort any candy that we can slowly melt in the mouth is worth, all those that bring Swiss herbs, lemon balm, eucalyptus, mint, honey and lemon, etc.

Source: Pixabay

No Smoking:

If we cannot quit because we are “hooked” on tobacco , at least we will try to smoke as little as possible, since tobacco causes a lot of throat irritation, helping us to dry out.

Source: Pixabay

Water mist:

What most damages a sore throat is the dryness of the environment, to solve it we can use a humidifier with a few drops of eucalyptus essence special for them. Take a leisurely shower with hot water. We can also steam or inhale with hot water that we will have previously added essential oils (Eucalyptus, Mint and Pine), we can also do them with some medicinal plants (leaves and berries of Eucalyptus, Thyme, Chamomile and Mint).


I hope that with these home tips that I have shared with all of you we can deal with the damage caused in our throats by sudden changes in temperature , colds, pharyngitis, tonsils, colds, etc. Remember also that it is very important to carry out good hygiene measures to fight germs, achieving this by regularly washing our hands and teeth after each meal.

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