Vicks VapoRub, unknown uses

Vicks Vaporub usos desconocidos

When the colds that we caught when we were little and our mothers speak of him to our memory, who to alleviate the symptoms, they put us a little before going to bed giving us a small massage on the chest, back and neck, without forgetting to put on a little in the nose “to breathe better”. The worst of all was that the next day we continued to smell of menthol all over our body and that neck that became half sticky, the same as our pajamas that if they did not wash it would continue to suffer that particular smell that now, as I am writing, come back to my memory. The funniest thing of all is that I have continued the family tradition of applying it to my daughters when they had colds.

Vicks VapoRub what is it for?

What our mothers did not know, and some of us also;), is that we can get more out of it by using this famous ointment for a lot more things. I suggest that you use it for one of these multiple uses and then tell us how you have done. Do you dare to try it?


Vicks-VapoRub,dolor de cabeza


For headache :

When we feel that our head hurts and we want to relieve the pain, all we have to do is massage a little Vicks VapoRub on our temples until it is absorbed. Being its active principle menthol, we will get great relief from our headache.
The same happens with the pains caused by the nasal congestion of the constipated, in addition to massaging the temples, we will put a little of this ointment under the nostrils or the “abujeritos” as my niece Sara says, that when we breathe we will go noticing how the pressure of the congestion decreases us.



Cold Relief:

This is where the classic, “Mom I can’t breathe!” Comes in, including coughs. Well, this has an easy solution, in addition to the rubs that our mothers gave us on the chest and back, we can also vary it if we also apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on the soles of our feet, putting on comfortable socks when we we cost. We will discover that, apart from improving the congestion we have, the cough will disappear and we will sleep much better.



If our pets urinate at home:

If you have a dog or cat as a pet and they have caught the mania of urinating somewhere in your house, this has an easy solution. These animals have a very fine nose and cannot stand the smell of menthol, you only have to buy a jar and leave it open where they urinate, you will see how they do not urinate in your home again.
We can also spread a little of this ointment where our cats have caught the habit of scratching, you will see how the intense smell of Vicks VapoRub will stop it.
I advise you to consult your veterinarian before doing this life hack lest your pet is allergic to menthol.



Hide and eliminate stretch marks:

The Vicks VapoRub is mainly composed of essential oils and menthol, these active principles will help us to visibly reduce our stretch marks over the course of two weeks, with regular use they can disappear.


Insect or mosquito repellent:

The Vicks VapoRub can be used as an easy alternative to repel insects thanks to its intense smell. In order for it to take effect when we go hiking we will apply a little to the parts of our body that are free of clothing, to make it more effective, we can also put a few touches on our hiking outfit and no mosquito will come near to bother us, but If any of them have bitten us, we will give ourselves a little bit on the bite and it will relieve the itching, in this way we will not use sprays that damage the environment.
We can also enjoy a completely calm picnic without any flies approaching our food if we leave an open boat in the middle of the table or tablecloth that we use. Bon appetit!



When we have muscle aches:

One of the properties of menthol is the relaxation of the muscles, and we will achieve this if we give ourselves a massage with Vicks VapoRub when we finish exercising and we feel that we have pain or tension in a muscle in our body. We will realize that the pain will subside by stimulating blood flow, if we also cover the affected area with a hot towel we will get it to stop bothering us much sooner; We can also perform this procedure to relieve the pain of the dreaded stiffness.
It can also alleviate the discomfort that we may have if we suffer the so-called “tennis elbow” if we rub a little until we notice improvement.



Improve pimples and pimples:

Another of the many applications that the miraculous ointment has is that it can improve the pimples and blackheads that we have on our face, we will only have to apply a minimum amount of Vicks VapoRub in the affected areas at night before going to bed and we will discover in the morning a improvement and that the pimples have begun to dry, helping to calm this area.



Eliminate toenail fungus:

If we have any toenails infected with fungus, you can eliminate them by putting a little of this cream every night when you go to bed and covering the area with socks. The nail in which we have the fungus will darken, this means that it is fulfilling its mission; The next morning, after showering, we will file or cut said nail, we will have to repeat this ritual for about 15 days.
We should use this product with care, especially if we use it with children since they always touch everything and can put the cream in their mouth.



Mitigate earaches:

If our ears hurt and our doctor cannot see us for several days, we can easily alleviate it: we will put a little Vicks VapoRub with a swab inside the ear that hurts and we will immediately notice how the pain we have decreases.
If the pain persists for several days, we will have to go to the doctor since we may have an infection and we will have to treat it with an antibiotic.

Remove ticks:

If ever when we walk through the field and we do not realize that a tick has stuck to us somewhere on our arms or legs, we have it very easy, since ticks such as pets (dogs and cats) do not support the smell of menthol. The strong smell that it gives off will make it come off our skin easily.
Then we should go immediately to our doctor to tell us the best treatment to follow, since these parasites transmit serious diseases such as Lyme disease, tularemia, ehrlichiosis, among others.


Eliminate cracks in tired heels and feet:

To get perfect heels when we realize that we have cracks in them, the solution is in our hands, we will only have to apply a little Vicks VapoRub when we go to bed as if it were a moisturizer. If we do not want to stain the sheets we will put on some old socks, if they are made of cotton better, and the next morning, when we shower, we will carefully wash our feet and exfoliate the heels with a pumice stone . We can repeat this ritual every day we want to achieve perfect heels.
If our feet hurt after a hard day’s work, we will give ourselves a gentle massage with the ointment before going to bed, we will also put on a pair of socks and in the morning we will have totally fresh and soft feet.

Reduce bruises or bruises:

If we have hit somewhere that the clothes do not cover and we want it to disappear as soon as possible, all we have to do is mix a pinch of salt with a little VapoRub and give ourselves a little massage. We will repeat it for two or three days and we will see how from the first application the bruise begins to disappear.
I remind you that the Vicks VapoRub cannot be used in children under two years of age.

Smooth lips:

Aesthetically, the lips say a lot about us. If we have them damaged, dry or with cracks, we will apply Vicks VapoRub as if it were a lip balm and in this way, apart from having them deeply hydrated, we will have them at the same time exfoliated and we will make our lips look healthier and more sensual .

To lubricate the door hinges:

If your doors every time you open and close them have that annoying squeak of “movie” of fear, all we will have to do is grease them with a good amount of Vicks VapoRub and we will not hear that unpleasant sound again.

Use in humidifiers:

If we are normally one of those people who like to have humidifiers or vaporizers to clean the air at home, we can use it so that our house smells of menthol helping all the inhabitants of our home breathe better.
We can also use it by putting a little in the scent diffusers that work with tea candles and water to create a relaxed atmosphere at home.

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